Speeches & Presentations by Community Rights People

    Midwest book tour going splendidly–two more stops yet

    Attendees eager to learn more about successes in the Community Rights movement Midwest audiences have warmly welcomed Paul Cienfuegos as he has shared insights on his book tour. If you're in Wisconsin or thereabouts, he'll be speaking at least two more times: 3/1, 5:30pm, Spooner  WI, Northwind Book & Fiber 3/2, 7pm, Bayfield WI, Honest [...]

      Speech: Is a truly sustainable society achievable as long as corporate constitutional “rights” trump the rights of people?

      The following transcript is of Paul Cienfuegos' speech at the Unitarian Universalist Church in downtown Portland on February 26th, 2010. You can hear the speech HERE. "May you live in interesting times." No one knows the origins of this saying. It's claimed to be an ancient Chinese proverb, and is thought to be both a [...]

        Event June 7: Whose Constitution Is It?

        The Clallam County Democrats invite the community to “Whose Constitution Is It? The Politics of Constitutional Change,” a program held on Zoom from 4-5 p.m. PDT on Monday, June 7. Join CELDF attorney Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin for a presentation and discussion on the history and current significance of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the [...]

          “Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing the Entire Planet, and Where Our Energies Can Best be Focused” – A Speech by Paul Cienfuegos

          Here is a new speech by Community Rights US' founding director, Paul Cienfuegos, presented to the Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon on September 19, 2020. You can read it below, or listen to it HERE.   Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing [...]

            Rights of Nature in Ecuador – Webinar with Attorney Hugo Echeverria

            The Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights' released a video on the recent developments of Rights of Nature in Ecuador. From CDER: "Our June 2020 webinar focused on Ecuador, with an excellent presentation by Attorney Hugo Echeverria, who is based in Quito and who works with CDER. He spoke about the Rights of Nature constitutional [...]

              Uniting for Economic, Social and Environemental Justice

              CELDF posted a webinar on expanding rights-based organizing during a crisis: http://youtu.be/xbdhcz0mujU

                Video: It’s Time to Walk Away from Earth Day and the EPA

                Stacey Schmader, Co-founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), offers us two provocative ideas in this three minute video: Walk away from Earth Day and the regulatory agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). She says they do more harm than good. We at Community Rights US invite you to give this video [...]

                  Citizen Submission: What is the ‘Right to a Healthy Climate’ ordinance?

                  This 25 minute video was published by Citizen Action for Exeter's Environment on February 21st, 2020. This video can be used as a tool to inspire, inform, educate and empower yourself and others on what it will take to start a campaign to pass a Right to a Healthy Climate ordinance in your community. The [...]

                    Our New Online Learning Opportunity!

                    Community Rights US is proud to offer our NEW online learning opportunity! Now you can learn the nuts and bolts of the Community Rights history and strategy, and connect with others from the comfort of your own home during this free trial course. In exchange, all we ask is that you provide us with weekly feedback on your experience with the course [...]

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