Community Rights US is proud to offer our NEW online learning opportunity! Now you can learn the nuts and bolts of the Community Rights history and strategy, and connect with others from the comfort of your own home during this free trial course. In exchange, all we ask is that you provide us with weekly feedback on your experience with the course – and we also ask for your full and committed participation in the course.

The new trial course will be provided through Canvas, an online learning management system that offers a flexible, blended approach to learning. You will be able to access parts of the course 24/7. This includes access to audio files that explain the “invisible” history of the United States that has culminated in the corporate state we now live under. It also includes several discussion forums, where you will be able to connect with other participants from around the country, as well as your course mentors, who can answer any questions you have about the course content. In addition, there are several other activities that will help you to think deeply about the course content. And finally, there will be weekly real-time meetings in an online classroom where you will have a chance again to connect with the other course participants and course mentors, and to engage in problem-solving around the system that we live in as well as regarding the real issues in your communities. All in all, it is our intention that the course will be transformative for you, and that you will leave the course with a new understanding of the system we are up against, and how we can most effectively dismantle corporate constitutional “rights” starting in the places we live.

There will be four live sessions, plus a 5th for a more open final discussion, helping each participant think about their next steps. The dates we have chosen are are as follows, March 31, April 7, 14, 21 and 28. They will start at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central and 9pm Eastern time. Classes will last 1-1/4 hours, with an additional, optional 15-20″ at the end of each session for anyone who’s interested.

In addition to the Zoom sessions, participants will complete some background work on the Canvas platform, so should be ready to start there on March 24 to get ready for the first Zoom session on March 31. The work on Canvas can be done on their own schedule. It’s only the Zoom sessions that need to be coordinated.

You will need access to a computer with webcam or other device and reliable Internet in order to get the most out of the online classroom, to be able to view other participants and visually share documents with each other. We approximate that you will spend 1-2 additional hours/week on coursework in addition to the live sessions, though this is just our best guess. One reason we’re running the test class is to get a better idea of how much time it will actually take and we will be soliciting your feedback as to how many hours future participants can anticipate when they enroll for the course.

We are still happy to accept more participants if this schedule suits them. Please contact Kelly Hogan ( or Joan Pougiales ( to get added to the trial course.

Thanks again for your interest in Community Rights US. We look forward to collaborating with you on this endeavor.