News Stories: Local

    Minnesota Appeals Court Upholds Winona County Frack Sand Ban

    The Minnesota Court of Appeals has upheld Winona County's frack sand ban. This AP article appeared in the US News and World Report, July 30th, 2018. The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Monday upheld Winona County's ban on mining frack sand, used to fracture shale rock to extract oil and natural gas. In a split decision, a [...]

      Candidate’s platform includes giving legal rights to nature

      This brief article appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer, July 30, 2018 Strafford's health officer is running for governor on a platform centered on "the rights of nature." On April 23, Stephen Marx, a former member of the Strafford Select Board, filed as independent, the first person to file his candidacy for the governor's office in [...]

      By |2018-08-03T14:39:54-07:00July 30th, 2018|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature|

        The Daily News: Supervisors to Defend Ordinance

        This article by April Feagley appeared in The Daily News, July 27, 2018. A special meeting of the Todd Township Supervisors was held Thursday night to come to a decision on whether to rescind or defend a recently- adopted ordinance. A 2-1 vote was passed to retain legal representation to fight for the community bill [...]

          Daily Camera: Can Lafayette’s fracking laws save prairie dog lives? Yes, say advocates.

          The city's trapping debacle last week has sparked a conversation about the reaches of the city's Climate Bill of Rights This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, July 26th, 2018. Last week, as dozens of prairie dogs marked for eradication sat caged for hours in the sweltering afternoon heat, advocates calling on Lafayette [...]

          The Allegheny Front: Town Raises Stink Over Hog Factory Farm

          One industry that’s growing in Pennsylvania: hog farming. 2018 has been a record year for the number of hogs produced in the state. But for some communities that’s not good news. In one Pennsylvania town, residents are trying to keep a new hog farm out. This article by Julie Grant appeared in The Allegheny Front, July 20th, [...]

            The Columbus Dispatch: Columbus Anti-Fracking Initiative Makes Fall Ballot, Might Not Hold Up Legally

            This article by Kevin Stankiewicz appeared in the Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, July 10, 2018. -- A proposal to ban oil and gas extraction and waste disposal in Columbus received enough signatures to appear on the November ballot, though the legality of the initiative is in question. Organizers tried to put the measure on the ballot [...]

            The Daily News: Residents Rally to Halt Pig Farm

            This article by Michael Kane appeared in The Daily News, July 10th, 2018. In a 2-1 vote Monday night, the Todd Township Supervisors approved an ordinance for community bill of rights, as a sign of opposition towards a proposed swine concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO). Supervisors Dennis Runk and William Hall voted in favor of [...]

            By |2018-07-11T12:02:55-07:00July 10th, 2018|News Stories: Local|

              Speaker Stresses Community Rights In Viroqua

              This article by Gillian Pomplun appeared in the Crawford County Independent, June 27th, 2018. VIROQUA - The Viroqua City Council met as a committee of the whole on Wednesday, May 30 for a presentation and discussion about community rights. Paul Cienfuegos of ‘Community Rights’ spoke to council members and almost 50 concerned citizens about the [...]

                Daily Camera: After Protest Derails Meeting, Lafayette Says It Will Still Vote On New Drilling Regs Next Month

                Council will also pick up decisions on new development rules and planning commissions This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, June 21st, 2018. Lafayette's City Council is scheduled to vote at its July 3 meeting on the proposed oil and gas regulations that were derailed Tuesday night by an anti-fracking protest, city spokeswoman [...]

                  Lafayette, CO, Residents Shut Down City Council Meeting

                  This act of civil-disobedience occurred June 19th, 2018 at the City Council meeting  in Lafayette, CO. This 42 minute video can be viewed at the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund's (CELDF) website HERE. In March 2017, Lafayette, CO, became the first municipality in the state to recognize a right to a healthy climate for people and nature, and [...]

                  By |2018-06-22T19:03:58-07:00June 20th, 2018|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature, Video|
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