This article by April Feagley appeared in The Daily News, July 27, 2018.

A special meeting of the Todd Township Supervisors was held Thursday night to come to a decision on whether to rescind or defend a recently- adopted ordinance.

A 2-1 vote was passed to retain legal representation to fight for the community bill of rights ordinance adopted at the July 9 meeting in opposition to a proposed swine concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) as well as any that might follow in the future.

Supervisors Dennis Runk, William Hall and Matt Barnett were later advised that a request for review under the Agriculture, Communities and Rural Environment (ACRE) Act 38 was filed through the state Attorney General’s office July 9.

ACRE was enacted to ensure that local ordinances which regulate normal agricultural operations are not in violation of state law.

The meeting opened with a 45-minute executive session at which time the supervisors consulted with an attorney affiliated with CELDF (Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund) regarding pro bono representation in defending the township’s new ordinance. MORE…