State Community Rights Networks & their founding Declarations

    Citizen Submission: What is the ‘Right to a Healthy Climate’ ordinance?

    This 25 minute video was published by Citizen Action for Exeter's Environment on February 21st, 2020. This video can be used as a tool to inspire, inform, educate and empower yourself and others on what it will take to start a campaign to pass a Right to a Healthy Climate ordinance in your community. The [...]

      Alarm: Barb Lucia

      This blog post by Barb Lucia was posted on the Pennsylvania Community Rights Network's (PACRN) website on October 16, 2019. I was simply a resident in the West Side neighborhood of the City of Warren, not involved in any political action, until 8 years ago when we learned through a reporter’s “leak” of a “secret” [...]

        Are We Willing to Make Real Structural Change?

        This article by Barbara Peterson was published in New Hampshire Citizen Action News on November 19, 2019. From Ursula K. Le Guin’s short story, The One’s Who Walk Away from Omelas, we are shown how we accept, with relatively little resistance, that certain people must inevitably suffer from the societal systems so many of us [...]

          Anatomy of a STATE And Corporate Attack on a People’s Movement

          This article was written and published by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund on October 23, 2019. Since its inception, a state-wide movement in Ohio has faced a state and corporate attack that amounts to concerted opposition from all branches of state government, corporate lobbies, private law firms, and both political parties. The entire repressive [...]

            Merrily Mazza: We Need More Locally Elected Officials Like Her

            In this video interview (3 min. 30 sec.) Merrily Mazza talks about her experience as a locally elected official that is also active in the Community Rights movement. If we are ever going to have a new system of environmental protection in the United States it will be locally elected officials like Merrily that step [...]

              New Publication: Do It Yourself Community Rights

              The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) recently published a do it yourself guide on how to advance Community Rights laws in your state. You can learn all about it and download it HERE! Description of the publication below. Are you interested in advancing Community Rights laws in your state? Community Rights includes Rights of [...]

                TruthOut: Legislators’ Secretive Maneuvers Undermine Rights of Nature in Ohio

                This Op-Ed by Lisa Kochheiser was published in TruthOut on September 17, 2019. For weeks, a legislator’s identity was kept secret by the Ohio General Assembly. When constituents asked who inserted language denying the rights of nature into the 2020-2021 House budget bill, their elected representatives simply shrugged their shoulders and told those of us [...]

                  Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Hijacked by Party Politics

                  CACR8 is denied advancement by the New Hampshire House A press release published by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) on March 25th, 2019. CONCORD, NH: Last week, the NH Community Rights Amendment, CACR8, went before the state House of Representatives and was blocked from advancing to a vote by New Hampshire citizens. CACR8 would guarantee [...]

                    Video: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment is Moving Forward

                    The New Hampshire Community Rights Network recently posted a short video (1 minute 30 seconds) of citizens showing up to testify in support of the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment (CACR8) in a legislative hearing. Close to 50 New Hampshire citizens showed up to support and testify. You can learn more about CACR 8 and [...]

                      Thom Hartmann Video: Lake Erie Getting Personhood Rights. What?

                      Thom Hartmann recently interviewed Ohio Community Rights organizer Tish O'Dell about the landmark Lake Erie Bill of Rights vote in Toledo, Ohio. You can watch the 11 minute video HERE. A description of the interview posted on the Thom Hartmann show's YouTube channel on March 9th, 2019 is below. Toledo, Ohio, voters made history, adopting a [...]

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