Speeches & Presentations by Community Rights People

    Tribute to Jane Anne Morris: Corporate Anthropologist & Co-Founder of the Community Rights Movement

    Years before it was even called the Community Rights movement, there was the  Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy . Jane Anne Morris was one of its core members in the early 1990’s, along with Richard Grossman and others. Jane Anne and Richard (and Peter Kellman) did most of the original research and writings which made the [...]

      Video: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment is Moving Forward

      The New Hampshire Community Rights Network recently posted a short video (1 minute 30 seconds) of citizens showing up to testify in support of the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment (CACR8) in a legislative hearing. Close to 50 New Hampshire citizens showed up to support and testify. You can learn more about CACR 8 and [...]

        On the Supreme Court’s Dartmouth Decision of 1819

        The piece below was read aloud at Portland, Oregon’s public event: "Roasting 200 Years of Corporate Constitutional 'Rights' 1819-2019". Paul Cienfuegos, Director and Founder of Community Rights US, did the writing and reading of what follows. In 1816, the society was still primarily composed of small farmers. It was important to them that higher education would be available [...]

          Video: NH State Rep. Ellen Read (D) Talks about the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment

          Watch New Hampshire State Representative Ellen Read (D) talk about the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment (CACR 8) to those attending the Local Democracy Luncheon hosted by the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) HERE. The video is just over a minute long. To read an explanation of the NH Community Rights Amendment in plain [...]

            Dismantling Corporate Rule: First Steps — Peoples Hub

            Paul Cienfuegos, director and founder of Community Rights US, will be leading an interactive two-hour online Community Rights workshop on January 22nd. Learn more about the details of this workshop HERE! “We are not here to seize power, but to exercise it.” This teaching of the Zapatista movement is at the heart of the Community Rights [...]

              Columbus, Ohio: Public testimony in opposition to HJR 19

              This public testimony by Greg Pace was published on The Columbus Community Bill of Rights Facebook page, December 11th, 2018. Chairman Blessing and committee members, Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you today, regarding House Joint Resolution 19. I have spent the past four years in three attempts to get our city law [...]

                Video: The People vs The Corporate State

                This 7 minute video titled "The People vs The Corporate State" was published on YouTube by the Ohio Community Rights Network (OHCRN) on November 27th, 2018. Here is a description of the video: In 2012, after suffering over 90 oil/gas frack wells in the community of Broadview Heights, the residents finally said no more. They passed [...]

                  Locals talk strategy to stop Granite Bridge pipeline

                  This article by Kathleen D. Bailey appeared on Seacoastonline.com on October 3rd, 2108. EPPING -- Michelle Sanborn of Alexandria looked over a roomful of people in the Harvey-Mitchell Library Children’s Room. “Who can define what ‘community rights’ means?” she asked. One woman said, “to protect the environment,” while a man said, “to protect whatever rights [...]

                  Charlotte Owen’s Stands for the Right to Local, Community Self-Government in front of the Columbus City Council

                  Watch and read (also below) Charlotte Owen's 3-minute testimony in front of the Columbus City Council HERE. This testimony was given on July 30th, 2018, and was published a day later on YouTube. Columbus City Council Speech By Charlotte Owens 7/30/18 “President Hardin and members of City Council, I am here today to speak in [...]

                    WKNY Radio Kingston: CELDF’s Thomas Linzey is Interviewed by Jon Bowermaster

                    This 42 minute interview with Community Rights attorney and leader Thomas Linzey was posted on WKNY Radio Kingston's website, July 15th, 2018. It can be downloaded and listened to HERE. Brief commentary by Community Rights media team member Curt Hubatch: I listened to this interview while delivering mail in rural northwestern Wisconsin the other day. [...]

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