News Stories: Local

    Community Rights at the Wisconsin Farmers Union Convention Part 2

    The Wisconsin Farmers Union Convention also saw the US premier of Community Rights US ’ new Photography Exhibit, “Hidden in Plain Sight: How Corporations Exercise Their Constitutional 'Rights' Under Our Very Noses“, which garnered a lot of attention. The captioned photo shown is one of dozens from the exhibit. Our goal for the exhibit is that it be [...]

      Toledo Blade: Lake Erie Bill of Rights group takes aim at ‘attack ads’

      This article by Tom Henry appeared in The Toledo Blade, February 18th, 2019. Toledoans for Safe Water said at a news conference Monday that its proposed Lake Erie Bill of Rights is being smeared on radio advertisements by a Columbus-based firm with deep pockets. Markie Miller, Toledoans for Safe Water organizer, said Strategic Public Partners Group is “putting [...]

      By |2019-02-20T11:51:53-08:00February 18th, 2019|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature, Video|

        Anishinaabe ‘Rights of Manoomin’ Laws Create Legal Basis to Protect Sacred Wild Rice

        'This would be the first law to recognize the legal rights of a plant species' This news story appeared on the Healing Minnesota Stories website, on January 12th, 2019. The White Earth Band of Ojibwe and the 1855 Treaty Authority are taking action to address the growing threats to native wild rice, such as potential [...]

        By |2019-01-14T11:33:33-08:00January 12th, 2019|Indigenous Voices, News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature|

          Citizen-Led Ballot Initiative Will Allow Toledo Residents to Vote on ‘Lake Erie Bill of Rights’

          This article by Daniel McGraw appeared in the Cleveland Scene, on, December 26th, 2018. After a long and arduous process that has gone through the Ohio Supreme Court and various public agencies, citizens in Toledo, Ohio will finally get their chance in February to vote on a bill that has caught the attention of environmental [...]

          By |2018-12-28T08:45:23-08:00December 26th, 2018|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature|

            Toledo Blade: Lake Erie Bill of Rights headed to Feb. 26 ballot

            This article by Tom Henry appeared in The Toledo Blade, December 21st, 2018. The Lucas County Board of Elections has ended the months-long debate over Toledo’s other citizen-led ballot initiative from 2018 by doing the same for the proposed Lake Erie Bill of Rights as it did for the Keep the Jail Downtown Toledo’s initiative a month ago. Both [...]

              Vote postponed to place Lake Erie Bill of Rights on February ballot

              This article by Ryan Dunn appeared in The Toledo Blade, December 10th, 2018. A last-minute filing Monday to the Lucas County Board of Elections again postponed the possible ballot addition of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights. The submitted protest regarding a proposed Toledo city charter amendment by law now sets a hearing in which both sides [...]

                13ABC WTVG: Lake Erie Bill of Rights backers call on Toledo City Council to include ordinance in special election

                The 2 minute audio and text of this news story by Michael Bratton appeared on 13ABC WTVG, November 28, 2018. TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) - When it comes to Lake Erie's health perhaps no other group of citizens is more passionate. I think it's important that we have a strong local voice," said Markie Miller of Toledoans [...]

                The Blade: Supporters keep up push to put Lake Erie Bill of Rights on ballot

                This article by Sarah Elms appeared in The Blade, October 24th, 2018. Citizens behind the Lake Erie Bill of Rights initiative are keeping the pressure on Toledo City Council to send their proposal back to the Lucas County Board of Elections for reconsideration. About 20 people stood outside One Government Center ahead of city council’s [...]

                  Citizens group seeks Toledo city council support on Lake Erie Bill of Rights

                  This article by Tom Henry appeared in The Toledo Blade, October 18th, 2018. Citizens behind the initiative known as the Lake Erie Bill of Rights are calling upon Toledo City Council to do for them what it did for the Keep the Jail Downtown Toledo group, and send their proposal back to the Lucas County [...]

                    Ohio Supreme Court again rules against Lake Erie bill of rights supporters

                    This article by Lauren Lindstrom appeared in The Toledo Blade, October 5th, 2018. The Ohio Supreme Court on Friday again ruled against petitioners seeking to put a Lake Erie Bill of Rights on the November ballot in Toledo, marking the second time in as many days that the state’s highest judicial body has opposed the [...]

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