Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    The Hill: What’s the purpose of a corporation? To protect power and privilege

    This editorial by David D'Amato was published in The Hill on August 29th, 2019. Earlier this month, a group of 181 CEOs, including those of many of the country’s largest and most influential companies, signed a statement signaling commitment to the betterment of society and to “an economy that serves all Americans.” This short “Statement on the [...]

      Chad Nicholson: The Limits to Home Rule

      This editorial by Chad Nicholson was published in Penn Live on August 21, 2019. Recently, the Pennsylvania State Legislature undermined the discretion of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. In July language was slipped into the state budget to give the office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro powers to circumvent Krasner’s discretion in prosecuting gun laws. Backlash [...]

        Bryan Times: Forum: [Williams] County Charter Being Stonewalled

        This letter to the editor by Staci Stevens was published in the Bryan Times (an Ohio newspaper) and on the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund's website on August 12th, 2019. The Bryan Times, The past few weeks I’ve heard some blowback on the charter that was proposed for the fall ballot in Williams County. The [...]

          Forest Jahnke: Who wants a hog CAFO on the Kickapoo?

          This Op-ed by Community Rights US board member Forest Jahnke appeared in The [Madison] Cap Times on July 27th, 2019. Crawford County has a long history as a beautiful and productive agricultural community, and many of us hope it remains so. Unfortunately, extreme financial pressures, the result of corrupted government policies and rampant corporate consolidation [...]

          By |2019-08-09T08:31:14-07:00July 27th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

            Bruce Petush: Algae bloom

            This editorial cartoon by Bruce Petush appeared in The Daily Reporter on July 21st, 2019. The Lake Erie algae blooms have caused harm to humans and nonhumans that have been exposed to it. It also was the catalyst for the campaign in Toledo, Ohio to grant Lake Erie the right to survive and thrive naturally.

            By |2019-08-13T11:27:31-07:00July 21st, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

              The Indiana Gazette: The Township Has No Say In It?

              This letter to the editor by Judy Wanchisn appeared in the Indiana Gazette on June 24th, 2019. She is the Queenmother to the East Run Hellbenders Society Inc. and member of Grant Township, Pennsylvania. In a recent letter to the editor Mike Butler, a CEA director, attacked Grant Township and CELDF using some hot button [...]

                Letter to the editor: Monroe County [Wisconsin] Board should stop unchecked nonmetallic mining

                This letter to the editor by Dena Eakles appeared in The County Line on June 20th, 2019. I was invited to attend the Monroe County hearing on ordinances for nonmetallic mining. My interest in community rights and ordinances springing up across the country to return local control over environmental issues facing us brought me to [...]

                  The Hawk Eye: Grant Township V. Goliath

                  This editorial by Stacy Long appeared in The Hawk Eye on June 20, 2019. GRANT TOWNSHIP — This missive addresses Mike Butler, author of a May 28 letter to the editor of The Indiana Gazette. Mr. Butler, mid-Atlantic executive director of Consumer Energy Alliance, made a wildly condescending attempt to sound frightening to Indiana County residents and to [...]

                    Letter to the Editor: Grant Township took proper stance

                    This letter to the editor by William Woodcock appeared in the Indiana Gazette on June 7th, 2019. As a landowner and resident of Grant Township, I’d like to share another point of view regarding a May 28 letter to the editor by Mike Butler of the energy industry lobbying group Consumer Energy Alliance. TRUE: Grant [...]

                    By |2019-06-20T10:13:01-07:00June 7th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

                      The Spokesman Review: Spokane River loses, again

                      This letter to the editor by Thomas Linzey appeared in the Spokesman-Review on May 19th, 2019. In response to “EPA announces it will lower PCB standards in Spokane River” (May 11, 2019): Not surprisingly, the Spokane River is again under attack. Again, not surprisingly, the latest attack comes from the unholy alliance between the federal [...]

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