Blogs by Jane Anne Morris

    Donate. Learn. Take Action.

    This opportunity to purchase Rebelling Against The Corporate State: Forging a Community Rights Movement at a very reasonable price is being offered by The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund through the month of December! I turn to this book often when I'm looking to be inspired and seek clarity on the vision behind the Community [...]

      POCLAD: Jane Anne Morris – In Memoriam

      Jane Anne Morris would have been 66 years old today. This memoriam to her life and groundbreaking work in what we now call the Community Rights movement was posted in July 2019 on the Program on Corporations Law and Democracy's (POCLAD) website. We at Community Rights US highly recommend reading anything by JAM. Her writing [...]

        Tribute to Jane Anne Morris: Corporate Anthropologist & Co-Founder of the Community Rights Movement

        Years before it was even called the Community Rights movement, there was the  Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy . Jane Anne Morris was one of its core members in the early 1990’s, along with Richard Grossman and others. Jane Anne and Richard (and Peter Kellman) did most of the original research and writings which made the [...]

        SLAPP, Crackle Pop — Help, They’re Suing Us!

        This original blog by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on January 16, 2017. Congratulations on being sued for your activism. You should be gratified, but instead are probably freaked out. Millions of activists and public officials struggle for the public good for decades without being sued for their work. That’s because the power [...]

        SLAPPs Article from NIMBY (1994)

        This original blog by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on January 16, 2017. (The following is from my 1994 book, Not In My Back Yard: The Handbook (Silvercat Publications). It’s dated but still accurate. The references are no longer current.) Watch Out for SLAPPs SLAPP, a term coined in 1988, refers to a Strategic Lawsuit Against [...]

        Election Good News for Libs? Best Trump Analysis Starts Here

        This original blog by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on November 21, 2016. Three Positives that the Democratish should follow up on. Nix the so-called “free trade” agreements. Push Single-Payer health care. Revise the voting system. Later I’ll get to what everybody’s enjoying whining about. First the positives, if you can stand it. NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, [...]

          Put the Demos Back Into Democracy

          This original blog by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on January 24, 2016. There are two kinds of activist groups, equally (in)effective. Which are you? And why? Pop-up activists tend their topiary and anguish over bathroom fixtures until… a Big Bad Issue pops up and invigorates them. Permanent Waves — the second kind of activist group [...]


            This article by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on November 26, 2015. Do you think you can understand butterflies perfectly well without knowing caterpillars? Corporate political contributions had a caterpillar stage; I’m guessing you won’t even recognize it. Here’s a snippet: No corporation doing business in this state, shall pay or contribute, or offer, [...]

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