This original blog by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, on January 16, 2017.

Congratulations on being sued for your activism. You should be gratified, but instead are probably freaked out.

Millions of activists and public officials struggle for the public good for decades without being sued for their work. That’s because the power brokers they are ticking off can handle them with the usual routine tactics. If you are getting sued, it’s probably because your opponents know that you are doing something extraordinary–truly threatening their plans, instead of being predictable or predictably conventional.

You spoke up at a public meeting—and are getting sued for it. Or, a public official voted against a corporation’s pet project–and she got sued. It’s supposed to seem like a calamity. You’re supposed to be frightened and act like a rabbit: freeze, then run and hide. Your panic is the Most Desired Response, though they’d also like you to quit your political participation and double down on your shopping or bowling, or whatever you do when not in the throes of democratic activism. …

To read this entire Blog, click HERE.