This coming February 2019 is the Bicentennial of the first US Supreme Court decision granting constitutional so-called “rights” to business corporations. In response to the consequences of this moment on US history, Community Rights US is proud to announce the launch of our first ever series of nationally coordinated local events:

Roasting 200 Years of Corporate Constitutional “Rights” 1819-2019:

See how our rights have been usurped in plain sight & and learn how we can take back local control!

On February 2, 1819, exactly 200 years ago, the US Supreme Court decision in ‘Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward’ was just the first in a series of decisions that has posed the greatest threat to real democracy that this country has ever faced – large business corporations now having more constitutionally guaranteed rights than do We The People. And all granted to them by the US Supreme Court with no checks and balances from the other two branches of government! More free speech rights, more property rights, more search and seizure protections, more privacy rights, the right to interfere in our elections and to lobby elected officials, the right to a trial, and much more.

Using these rights, corporate leaders now control virtually all societal decision-making concerning food and water, health care, land use planning, fossil fuel vs renewable energy, forestry, foreign affairs, elections, and much more.

It’s time to bring renewed national attention to this continuing assault on our communities, on our democratic institutions, and on our planet’s life support systems that allow all of us to live and breathe.

Our goal is to educate as broad and diverse a US audience as possible about this hidden history. We invite you to organize your own fun and educational local event beginning in February and continuing throughout 2019. And/or organize around “Hidden in Plain Sight: How Corporations Exercise Their Constitutional ‘Rights’ Under Our Very Noses”, our new traveling photo exhibit. You could display this exhibit in your local coffeehouse, gallery, community center or library display case – or in a law school!

We can assist you in conceptualizing the sort of event you wish to host, from something as simple as a film screening or public speaker, to something more monumental such as a day-long Teach-In.

• Significance of the US Supreme Court’s Dartmouth decision HERE.

• Overview of two centuries of corporations exercising their ever-growing collection of constitutional “rights” HERE.

• Short introductory video on the Community Rights movement HERE.

Click HERE to view our upcoming Bicentennial events calendar. For more information or to get involved in helping to organize this national series of local events, please contact Paul Cienfuegos.

Community Rights US is your go-to site for current news and analysis from and about the larger Community Rights movement. We offer a wide variety of workshops and other services. We look forward to hearing from you.