On April 30th and May 1st, Community Rights US is hosting an Arts and Culture Livestream event.
We are excited to celebrate the turning of the seasons and the history of workers’ struggles for human rights on May Day, also known as Beltane AND International Workers Day. Our eclectic crew of musicians, artists, crafters, gamers, and other entertainers will be sharing a wide variety of programming related to Nature, Work, Human Rights, People’s History, plus lots of arts and crafts just for fun!
The event will stretch over 24+ hours, beginning noon on Friday with engaging skillshares – arts and crafts plus other skills like cooking and gardening – ending Saturday afternoon with educational talks about the deep cultural significance of May Day (plus some more fun skillshares!).
The heart of the program will be a world-class concert on Friday night – we’ve got famous singer-songwriters like Martin Zarzar and David Rovics, plus so much more, including a late night DJ spinning dance music and gamer-entertainers in the wee hours!
Between our many talented streamers, the CRUS crew will educate about our work and promote our fundraiser. Check out our HOTT new fundraising video!
And be sure to bookmark our Twitch page, so you can find it again easily.
Friday, April 30, 2021 – Pacific Time
12pm – 2pm – Michael Baldwin, “Conversation Composition” experimental music
2pm – 3pm – David Rovics, American indie folk songs of social significance
3pm – 4pm – M.C. Shoehorn, multi-instrumentalist, percussionist, tap-dancing saxophonist!!
4pm – 5pm – Indigenous Law Scholar Steven Newcomb on The Doctrine of Discovery (in conversation with Paul Cienfuegos)
5pm – 6pm – Activist Rivera Sun, author of The Dandelion Insurrection and other novels.
6pm – 7pm – Tommy Shreds of Random Axe, punk rock + stories about solidarity and mutual aid in 2020
7pm – 9pm – Diego Ugalde de Haene of Compañia Banyan de Marionetas, “Nos Volvimos Búfalos” – a shadow puppet play about Standing Rock Indigenous Resistance (mature content), followed by lessons on traditional hand-made shadow puppets
9pm – 10pm – Andrew and Brian from Immaculate Misconception, anarchist folk punk
10pm – 11pm (& beyond?!) – Paul Cienfuegos, Founding Director of CRUS, in conversation with Bryan Lewis, Board President of CRUS
11pm – 12am – TBA
Saturday, May 1, 2021 — Pacific Time
12am – 3am – TBA
3am – 7am – RezzWitch, “Endurance: Magick and mentality.” A talk about Beltane, the human spirit, workers’ rights and everything in between!
7am – 8am – Vivian Torres, an Alexander Technique group class
8am – 9am – Tyler Norman, new Director of CRUS – Q&A about Community Rights
9am – 10am – Jenka Soderberg of KBOO, lessons learned from union organizing in a non-profit
10am – 12pm – Daniel Portis-Cathers, Modern Music Production Tools & Techniques
12pm – 1pm – Will Falk, on the campaign to stop the Thacker Pass Lithium Mine in Nevada (in conversation with Paul Cienfuegos)
1pm – 2pm – Where Evolution Meets Social Change: a poetry hour with Ferananda Ibarra
2pm – 4pm – Alan Wilbar, “Learning Man” – a play about brain injury & recovery, with poetry and music
4pm – ? – Martin Zarzar, world music multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer
Do you have time and talents that you’d like to contribute? There is still time to sign up, or let us know that you wanna be considered for our next Twitch Marathon in a few months! Please, contact Twitch@CommunityRights.US if you would like to participate, or just want to learn more.