Supreme Courts – Federal & State

Video Interview: Amend To Protect New Hampshire’s People, Communities and Nature from Corporate Harm

This 46 minute video interview was posted on the National Community Rights Network (NCRN) website, January 31st, 2018. Tom Groover interviews New Hampshire community organizers Michelle Sanborn, Monica Christofill and Douglas Darrell. Michelle and Monica are organizers with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), and Douglas is a Board member of the NHCRN and the NCRN. Michelle begins [...]

Video Interview: Protecting Lake Erie’s Right to Exist with the Lake Erie Bill of Rights

This one hour video interview was posted on the National Community Rights Network (NCRN) website, January 29th, 2018. Tom Groover has an INCREDIBLE conversation with grassroots activists Markie Miller and Will Falk about recognizing and protecting the Rights of Nature through local law-making as a legal solution to a fixed governmental/corporate state system. This fixed system places [...]

A Phoenix From The Ashes

CELDF’s Executive Director Thomas Linzey, Esq. and attorney Daniel E. Brannen, Jr, Esq. co-author, published  A Phoenix from the Ashes: Resurrecting a Constitutional Right of Local Community Self-Government in the Name of Environmental Sustainability in the Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, January 2018. This article began as a series of legal briefs filed in [...]

Does the Natural World Needs Its Own Bill of Rights?

Why environmentalists are working to grant rivers and mountains legal status. This article by Dayton Martindale appeared in In These Times, January 24, 2018. rights • of • na•ture noun 1. The ethical principle that the living world—individual organisms as well as the ecology and geography that shelters and sustains them—has inherent worth 2. Legal [...]

KBOO: Ray Raphael debunks historical myths of our founding era, recognizes the common people

This audio interview took place on January 24th, 2018 on KBOO public radio in Portland, Oregon. This 62 minute audio can be downloaded and listened to HERE. Historian Ray Raphael discusses his research and its implications with Community Rights activist Paul Cienfuegos Drawing on oral histories and in-depth research, historian Ray Raphael of Humboldt County, CA, has written over 20 [...]

Nonprofit Legal Firm Ordered to Pay for its Defense of Anti-Fracking City Ordinance

This article by Lauren Karch appeared in Nonprofit Quarterly, January 22nd, 2018. January 10, 2018; Rolling Stone Rolling Stone reported earlier this month that a federal judge has issued what could be a groundbreaking sanction on a nonprofit law firm. The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) was ordered in early January to pay $52,000 [...]

When we fight, we win

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 21, 2018. The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in 1995 In the 1990’s, CELDF was a conventional environmental law firm. We believed that if only there were more [...]

Court Orders Nonprofit Law Firm to Pay $52,000 to Oil and Gas Company for Defending Local Fracking Waste Ban

This article by Simon Davis-Cohen appeared on Desmog, January 17, 2018. In early January, a federal judge ordered the nonprofit law firm Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) to pay $52,000 to an oil and gas exploration company for defending a rural Pennsylvania township’s ban on underground injections of frack waste. This sanction comes at the [...]

Having a Dream is Just the Beginning

A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 15, 2018. Being punished for advocating and promoting fundamental rights is as American as pizza, tacos, and apple pie. On this day of remembrance for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is fitting that we commemorate the way the system he struggled to change – [...]

Grant Township, PA: Sanctions against our lawyers “badge of courage”

This letter by the Grant Township of Pennsylvania Supervisors was published on the Community Legal Defense Fund's (CELDF) website, January 12, 2018. Today the elected supervisors of Grant Township, PA, responded to the sanctions against Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) attorneys who have “defended our community’s right to stop a toxic frack wastewater injection [...]

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