Speeches & Presentations by Community Rights People

    Feeding the People: Community Rights and Chili

    Reflections on Community Rights from Rural America is a monthly column by CR activist and organizer Curt Hubatch. Curt is an unschooling father of two young children and one young adult. Currently he works as a substitute rural letter carrier for the USPS. He lives in a cordwood house that he built with his wife, [...]

      TEDx Talks: The Rights of Nature, by Kat Houghton

      This eighteen minute talk by Kat Houghton was post on the TEDx Talk's website on November 7th, 2019.   Peak into the dominant cultural consciousness that holds humans separate and above the rest of the natural world. Explore worldviews from diverse cultures and western science that help us question our beliefs about our place in [...]

        Merrily Mazza: We Need More Locally Elected Officials Like Her

        In this video interview (3 min. 30 sec.) Merrily Mazza talks about her experience as a locally elected official that is also active in the Community Rights movement. If we are ever going to have a new system of environmental protection in the United States it will be locally elected officials like Merrily that step [...]

          Rights of Nature Workshop in Duluth, Minnesota

          Thomas Linzey, Esq., Senior Counsel for the nonprofit Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), will be in Duluth, Minnesota to hold a Rights of Nature workshop. Details below: This one-day workshop will provide an overview of the movement in the United States and abroad to recognize legally enforceable rights for ecosystems. The workshop will focus [...]

            Uniting Behind the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Ireland

            Time to place the rights of nature at the heart of a new Irish constitution This blog post by Dr Peter Doran, School of Law, Queens University Belfast,  Mari Margil, Associate Director, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, appeared on #Think32 on August 11th, 2019. On the evening of 6th August, An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD, [...]

              POCLAD: Jane Anne Morris – In Memoriam

              Jane Anne Morris would have been 66 years old today. This memoriam to her life and groundbreaking work in what we now call the Community Rights movement was posted in July 2019 on the Program on Corporations Law and Democracy's (POCLAD) website. We at Community Rights US highly recommend reading anything by JAM. Her writing [...]

                Jane Anne Morris, Corporate Anthropologist: A Tribute to her extraordinary life & work.

                The movement to dismantle corporate rule has lost one of its giants - Jane Anne Morris - who died on May 28th in Madison, Wisconsin of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. She was one of the principal members of the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD.org), a think tank of about a [...]

                  Thom Hartmann Interviews Ben Price About His New Book, “How Wealth Rules the World”

                  This interview took place on May 7th, 2019. This 12 minute video and audio can be viewed and downloaded HERE. A brief description of How Wealth Rules the World: Ben Price reveals that our Constitution and legal system were intentionally designed to give more rights to the wealthy propertied class than the rest of us. [...]

                    Watch: Lake Erie activist addresses the United Nations

                    This article by Tom Henry appeared in The Toledo Blade on April 22nd, 2019. There is also a five minute video of Markie Miller of the Toledoans for Safe Water addressing the United Nation embedded in the article. She’s still numb and was definitely humbled by the experience of speaking before the United Nations. She’s [...]

                      Corporate Power is a House of Cards

                      Corporate power exists as a house of cards.  It’s way less stable than it looks.   It was built incrementally, primarily via the US Supreme Court granting one new constitutional “right” after another to business corporations, starting in 1819, exactly 200 years ago. And once We The People understand this history, we can begin to [...]

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