Right to Local, Community Self-Government

    Indigenous Rights Victories at Ecuador’s High Court Deal Blow to Government’s Plans to Expand Oil and Mining

    By Kevin Koenig in Amazon Watch on February 15, 2022. Ecuador’s plans to greatly expand oil and mining extraction in the Amazon hit a major snag last week as the nation’s Constitutional Court handed down multiple decisions that affirm Indigenous rights and limit extraction. In a major victory for Indigenous rights in Ecuador and beyond, [...]

    By |2022-02-27T21:37:08-08:00February 25th, 2022|Right to Local, Community Self-Government|

      What are People’s Right of Local Community Self-Government and Rights of Nature/Ecosystems?

      The New Hampshire Community Rights Network answers this question: People’s Right of Local Community Self-Government and Rights of Nature/Ecosystems Right of Local, Community Self-Government The right of local, community self-government is a fundamental, individual political right – exercised collectively – of people to govern the local communities in which they reside. The right includes three [...]

        Statement from the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone tribal members’ group, the People of Red Mountain.

        Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone tribal members who practice their traditional ways have formed a group to stop the proposed Thacker Pass open pit lithium mine. The group is named Atsa koodakuh wyh Nuwu (the People of Red Mountain). Here is Atsa koodakuh wyh Nuwu's Statement of Opposition to Lithium Nevada Corp.’s Proposed Thacker Pass [...]

          Remembering Debra White Plume

          Seen through her guileless eyes, the humble truth of our kinship and solidarity beneath the real—though disproportionately unequal—oppressions of empire, became clear. By Ben Price. Published on Friday, December 04, 2020 by Common Dreams. Debra White Plume, Wioweya Najin Win in her native Lakota, left her body behind on November 10, 2020. A brave advocate [...]

          By |2020-12-10T22:59:18-08:00December 16th, 2020|Right to Local, Community Self-Government|

            ‘Protect Us’: Colorado High School Students Post Video Pleading With Local Authorities to Ban Fracking

            "We shouldn't be afraid for our health when we step outside our own houses," says one of the students in the video. Published by Common Dreams on Tuesday, December 01, 2020 by Brett Wilkins, staff writer. Students at a Colorado high school on Monday published a poignant video pleading with local authorities to ban a [...]

              “Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing the Entire Planet, and Where Our Energies Can Best be Focused” – A Speech by Paul Cienfuegos

              Here is a new speech by Community Rights US' founding director, Paul Cienfuegos, presented to the Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon on September 19, 2020. You can read it below, or listen to it HERE.   Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing [...]

                Episode 8 of 8: Violation of the Sacred

                CELDF shares an eight-part video series highlighting their grassroots work with partner communities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Oregon. The series was completed in association with the Myrin Institute and with the support of the JustPax Fund. Episode Eight: Violation of the Sacred (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) Mark and Malinda Clatterbuck are long time residents of [...]

                By |2020-09-11T00:13:57-07:00September 19th, 2020|Right to Local, Community Self-Government, Video|

                  Episode 6 of 8: We the People

                  CELDF shares an eight-part video series highlighting their grassroots work with partner communities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Oregon. The series was completed in association with the Myrin Institute and with the support of the JustPax Fund. Episode Six: We the People (Youngstown, Ohio) Be prepared to be inspired: Meet Hattie Wilkins, Susie Beiersdorfer, [...]

                  By |2020-09-10T23:51:06-07:00September 17th, 2020|Right to Local, Community Self-Government, Video|

                    OpEd: “A National Emergency Requires a Bold Local Response”

                    Z Magazine published this OpEd on August 20, 2020. Read it on ZNet. Community Rights US submitted the following OpEd to The Oregonian - Portland, Oregon's daily corporate newspaper - on August 16, 2020. Titled "A National Emergency Requires a Bold Local Response". Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, their Opinion Editor rejected our submission with this [...]

                      State Preemption and Local Responses in the Pandemic

                      Posted June 22, 2020 in ExpertForum, a blog published by the American Constitution Society. By Nestor M. Davidson (Albert A. Walsh Chair in Real Estate, Land Use, and Property Law; Faculty Director, Urban Law Center, Fordham University School of Law), and Kim Haddow (Director, Local Solutions Support Center) Over the past decade, the misuse of [...]

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