Regulatory Agencies & Laws (Federal & State)

    Michigan OKs Nestlé Water Extraction, Despite 80K+ Public Comments Against It

    This news story by Bill Chappell appeared on National Public Radio's (NPR) website, April 3rd, 2018 A brief commentary by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: This final quote in this article is instructive. Matt Gamble, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's (MDEQ) source water supervisor, points to something that is hidden in plain sight when he [...]

      Jefferson Public Radio: Oregonian Wins Award For Opposition To Pesticides

      This audio interview with award-winning activist Carol Van Strum and Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) organizer Kai Huschke can be listened to on Jefferson Public Radio's website. Listen to the 22 minute interview HERE. A guest commentary by Community Rights US's Curt Hubatch: Carol Van Strum's extraordiary and award-winning actions as a public citizen started, [...]

        Anti-fracking group’s attorney sends letter to Lafayette over possible legal action

        This article by John Bear appeared in the Daily Camera, March 20th, 2018. An attorney for the anti-fracking group East Boulder County United has sent a letter to the city of Lafayette suggesting possible legal action regarding the city's Climate Bill of Rights that was passed last year, albeit without a provision that would protect [...]

          Carol Van Strum, crusader against Agent Orange, wins prestigious environmental award

          This article by Genevieve Belmaker appeared in Mongabay, March 14th, 2018. Longtime environmental activist Carol Van Strum is now also the recipient of a prestigious environmental protection award for her decades of work. Strum was awarded the international David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding environmental and social justice work on March 1, 2018. Van [...]

            The Athens News: Bill of Rights group and CELDF deserve praise for their work

            This letter to the editor by Austin Babrow appeared in the Athens News March 8th, 2018. Do you remember in fall of 2011, when the fracking landmen came to town offering bonuses for signed mineral-rights leases, when they were caught on tape claiming that chemical-laden fracking water was essentially Dawn dishwashing liquid? Where were the [...]

              Organizations rallying opposition to annual aerial spraying of pesticides in the Sky Valley region

              Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund to partner with Snohomish County Community Rights nonprofit This article by Kelly Sullivan appeared in The Monroe Monitor Valley News, March 6th, 2018. The Sky Valley’s best chance to impact local aerial spraying practices is to direct resources intentionally, according to Washington Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund organizer Kai Huschke. [...]

              Lafayette’s oil, gas forum ‘day one in the real resistance,’ activists say

              'You don't have an oil and gas problem; you have a democracy problem'  This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, March 5th, 2018. Calls for an outright fracking ban took center stage at a community forum with representatives of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund on Monday night — a meeting heralded [...]

                Judges to hear appeal of Board of Elections’ rejection of charter

                This article by Terry Smith appeared in The Athens News, February 28th, 2018. The 4th District Court of Appeals today (Thursday) is scheduled to hear an appeal of the Athens County Board of Elections’ decision last July to reject an anti-fracking county charter proposal for the November 2017 ballot. The appellant, described as “a committee [...]

                  Rural residents in Lane County fight spraying of herbicides by helicopters

                  This article by Elon Glucklich appeared in the Register-Guard, February 11th, 2018. TRIANGLE LAKE — Jenn and James Ruppert raise rabbits, goats and bees on their 3-acre farm. Most of their neighbors are small-farmers, too, or retirees living on acreage along Highway 36 as it winds through the rural Lake Creek Valley. With a few [...]

                    The Community Rights Movement to the New Hampshire House: Let the People Decide What’s Best

                    This article by John Collins appeared in In These Times, February 8th, 2018. When you combine an economic system that requires constant growth in order to function, with a legal system that mistakes corporations for “people”—you inevitably wind up with a few extremely powerful corporations and a lot of powerless citizens. Furthermore, when that same [...]

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