Regulatory Agencies & Laws (Federal & State)

July 4th: Take a 2nd Look at American Revolutionaries, Corporate Rights and State Preemption

An original essay by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) posted on June 29th, 2018. When the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776, it was the work of many hands. Thomas Jefferson gets the credit, but the people of more than ninety towns and counties throughout the colonies had sent instructions [...]

    Daily Camera: After Protest Derails Meeting, Lafayette Says It Will Still Vote On New Drilling Regs Next Month

    Council will also pick up decisions on new development rules and planning commissions This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, June 21st, 2018. Lafayette's City Council is scheduled to vote at its July 3 meeting on the proposed oil and gas regulations that were derailed Tuesday night by an anti-fracking protest, city spokeswoman [...]

      Talk Nation Radio: Thomas Linzey on the Rights of Ecosystems vs. the Rights of Corporations

      This 30 minute audio interview with Thomas Linzey was posted on David Swanson's "Lets Try Democracy" website, June 12th, 2018. Thomas Linzey is an attorney and the Executive Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) – a nonprofit law firm that has provided free legal services to over five hundred local governments and [...]

        Sand mine near Bloomer looking to expand, applied for 60-year permit

        A Chippewa County sand mine has applied for a permit to expand from 176 acres to more than 1,000 acres, according to county documents.... This article by Sarah Seifert appeared in the Chippewa Herald, June 7th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US Media Team Member Curt Hubatch: I finished reading this article with [...]

          CELDF Blog: Dangerous to the 1% – An Informed Public

          A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), from May 16, 2018. According to recent polls, only 20% of Americans know how many U.S. Senators there are, and only one in seven young Americans could identify either Iraq or Afghanistan on a world map. A majority of Americans were unable to name more than one [...]

   A rights-based ordinance for the Great Bay

            This Op-ed by Monica Christofili appeared on, May 7th, 2018. Newmarket, a small town in New Hampshire, is looking to join 11 other New Hampshire towns in adopting a rights-based ordinance. They've discovered the structure of law they live under is set up to protect neither them nor the landbase they live and depend [...]

              One West Virginia County Tried to Break Its Dependence on the Energy Industry. It Was Overruled.

              After seeing the scars of coal, Fayette County banned the disposal of natural gas drilling waste. Industry fought back, arguing the community doesn’t get a say. This article by Ken Ward Jr. appeared in ProPublica on May 4th, 2018. FAYETTEVILLE, W.Va. — Matt Wender’s vision for Fayette County begins with the New River Gorge. Whitewater [...]

                The Daily News: Pig Farm Fight Continues

                Todd Twp. residents hold second community meeting This article by Adam Watson appeared in The Daily News, May 1st, 2018. The Todd Township Supervisors will be asked at their Monday, May 14, meeting to consider adopting an ordinance that would stop a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) from being built in the township. The ordinance [...]

                  Oxford Human Rights Hub: RightsUp #RightNow – When Human Rights Are Not Enough: Defending the Rights of Nature

                  This audio interview with Mari Margil was posted on the Oxford Human Rights Hub April 10, 2018. The 30 minute can be downloaded HERE. A brief commentary by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: Mari Margil made a few points in this interview that really stuck out for me. The first being that climate change, along with the destruction of the [...]

                    Portage Daily Register: Zoning committee delays vote on cession of authority to state

                    This article by Jonathan Stefonek appeared in the Portage Daily Register, April 5th, 2018. A brief commentary by Curt Hubatch, Community Rights US media team member: The other day a friend and colleague shared this article on my Facebook page. I immediately took interest and read it. The article has to do with tar sands [...]

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