New Frontiers: Building a Grassroots Movement for Community Rights & the Rights of Nature – Explaining the Problem & Outlining the Solution.
An introductory 13-minute slideshow produced by Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.
An introductory 13-minute slideshow produced by Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.
This article by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website,, on October 15, 2012. Regulatory agencies are not, and never were, the Great Protectors of the public interest that hazy origin myths suggest.1Understanding regulatory failure entails accepting this inconvenient truth and then moving on. Are we ready to go beyond the usual ritualistic laments about how [...]
KBOO Radio's Joe Meyer produced this series of interviews in 2012. The show lasts 29 minutes. Oregon and Washington have dramatically reduced coal-powered energy generation. As a result coal companies are pushing to export tens of millions of tons of coal from Montana and Wyoming, through Pacific Northwest ports, to Asian markets. The coal would [...]
The Youngstown City Council's Public Utilities Committee (PUC) held an informational meeting with Ben Price on July 22, 2012. Ben presented on the purpose and creation of a Rights Based Ban that addresses environmental concerns by banning fracking within the city of Youngstown, Ohio. Ben answered questions from the PUC members and members of the audience [...]
This article by Walt Brasch appeared in Dissident Voice, March 18th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US organizer and educator Paul Cienfuegos: This article doesn’t say so explicitly, but fracking corporations are allowed to keep these outrageous secrets from doctors and their patients because the Supreme Court has granted them so-called Privacy “Rights" [...]
Paul Cienfuegos presented this original speech to the Transition PDX group in Portland, Oregon, on January 18, 2012. Please share it widely with other Transition groups. Thank you so much for inviting me to share my thoughts with you this evening! I have been excited about the Transition movement ever since it first launched, but [...]
Paul Cienfuegos gave this speech on May 16, 2011 in Eugene, Oregon, sponsored by We the People Eugene. It was later broadcast nationally on David Barsamian's 'Alternative Radio'. What I want - more than anything else in the entire world – is for We the People of these United States to figure out how to bring [...]
Paul Cienfuegos and Mari Margil appeared as panelists at the Econvergence Northwest Regional Gathering on the Economic and Ecological Crisis in 2009. KBOO Radio recorded the panel discussion and the Q&A. Paul Cienfuegos is the Program Director at Community Rights US. Mari Margil is the Associate Director at Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. Listen to [...]
This article by Jane Anne Morris ( was originally published in the Spring 2009 edition of Synthesis/Regeneration, and was based on remarks made at Synthesis/Regeneration’s “Surviving Climate Change: Producing Less and Enjoying It More” Roundtable, in St. Louis, Missouri in June 2008. Working in tandem with a cooperative Supreme Court, corporate lawyers have insinuated themselves into [...]
Paul Cienfuegos gave this Keynote Speech on October 6, 2004 in Oregon, at the 28th Annual Conference of the Provender Alliance - the association representing the Pacific Northwest's natural products industry. ZNet also published the piece HERE. In the past few months, the USDA has once again attempted to weaken the federal organics standards that [...]