Regulatory Agencies & Laws (Federal & State)

‘We Are Not Free’ – Pennsylvania Sues Communities For Banning Frack Waste

Published on April 3, 2017, in Public Herald. As an elected official, it is Stacy Long’s sworn duty to protect her constituents. As a resident, and now as a supervisor of Grant Township in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, she and her fellow citizens have taken bold steps to fight against government and industry who want to [...]

‘That’s not DEP’s role’: Outrage and localism after state sues towns that banned frack water wells

This article was published on March 30, 2017 on Penn Live. Highland Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania - Marsha Buhl of Highland Township was placing Easter decorations at a local park on Wednesday when she first learned that the township she calls home -- population 500 -- was being sued by the state. The action, brought by [...]

Gorsuch’s Gory Expansion of Corporate Personhood

This essay by Greg Coleridge was published online on March 22, 2017 by the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch didn’t invent “corporate personhood,” the shorthand term used to describe the ludicrous decisions by U.S. Supreme Courts to sanctify corporate entities with inalienable constitutional rights intended exclusively for human [...]

The Corporate State of Pennsylvania

Department of Environmental Protection Issues Permits to Polluting Corporations; Simultaneously Sues Communities to Overturn Bans on Frack Wastewater Dumping. A Press Release from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from March 22, 2017. Mercersburg, Pennsylvania: On Monday, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued permits to two polluting corporations. The permits signify the DEP’s [...]

Community Rights: Because Climate Conferences Won’t Stop Climate Change.

This article was written by Thomas Linzey, the Executive Director of Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, and was published in the news-weekly, In These Times. Nations around the world have been meeting for more than two decades to solve the looming problem of climate change. During their most recent gathering—held last November in the Moroccan [...]

Thomas Linzey & Mari Margil presentation: Occupy the Law – The Movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature

Thomas Linzey and Mari Margil shared the stage at the annual Bioneers Conference in California in October 2016. As species collapse around the world while governments still authorize fossil fuel extraction and other destructive, unsustainable activities, communities across the U.S. are rising in resistance to "occupy the law". They're enacting "community bills of rights" that [...]

Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Ready to Stop Company from Injecting Frack Wastewater into their Community - New Law Shields People from Arrest for Protesting Project. A Press Release from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from May 3, 2016. Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania: Tonight, Grant Township Supervisors passed a first-in-the-nation law that legalizes direct action to stop frack [...]

Why Do Large Corporations Get to Decide What We the People Eat?

This Keynote Speech by Paul Cienfuegos was presented at the 6th Annual Symposium of the Arnold School of Public Health ‘Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities’, and ‘The Environment and Sustainability Program’, on March 18, 2016 at the University of South Carolina. The topic of this annual symposium was “Healthy Eating in Context: Realities of the Dietary Guidelines”. “Corporations [...]

Two Articles About The Movement In Maine For Local Food Sovereignty and Community Self-Government

This post contains links and opening paragraphs to two articles focusing on the fight for the right to food sovereignty and local, community self-government in Maine. One of the articles was written and published in the Bangor Daily News, March 9th of 2016; the other in The Center for Media and Democracy in what appears [...]

Radio Interview with Paul Cienfuegos about Portland, Oregon’s toxic air quality – for the KBOO Evening News.

Paul Cienfuegos was interviewed by Joe Meyer for the KBOO Evening News, about the current toxic air quality situation in parts of Portland that is substantially higher than is considered safe by existing state and federal air quality standards. Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has been allowing this outrage for many years, but it's [...]

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