Press Releases from Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

    CELDF 3-part Webinar: Nature’s Rebellion Against the Corporate State

    CELDF's second module (A Lake’s Voice in the Rebellion: Violating the Rights of Lake Erie) ran Sept 9. They've posted a link to view the first module, A Community's Voice in the Rebellion, and may post the second one soon. Module two: A Lake’s voice in the rebellion Wednesday, Sept. 9 For decades Lake Erie [...]

      New Hampshire Supreme Court Gives Group Chance to Defend Right to a Healthy Climate Law from Corporate Lawsuit

      Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund Press Release Aug 26, 2020 Local elected officials refused to defend residents’ Right to a Healthy Climate ordinance against a corporate ‘rights’ lawsuit. Residents demanded they be allowed to defend their law in court, to no avail. Now, the New Hampshire Supreme Court has allowed them to argue that they [...]

        WANTED: Local Officials Willing to Fight the Corporate State to Protect People and the Environment During a Pandemic

        by Tish O'Dell CELDF Press Release Aug 9, 2020 Tish O’Dell is the Ohio Community Organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. Tish works in multiple states and was recently featured in national and international press for her work with Toledo, Ohio residents and their passage of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights. She [...]

          CELDF offers DIY Community Rights

          Are you interested in advancing Community Rights laws in your state? Community Rights includes Rights of Nature, such as the right of ecosystems to flourish and evolve; environmental rights, such as the right to clean air, pure water, and healthy soil; worker rights, such as the right to living wages and equal pay for equal work;  and democratic [...]

            CELDF Community Small Grant Program-apply by Aug 7

            Request for Proposals CELDF is providing a limited number of small grants to support grassroots efforts aimed at advancing systemic change. We will only consider proposals from grassroots, constituent-led organizations that are using community-organizing and base-building strategies to accomplish their goals. Funding priorities include: Community & ally outreach, leadership development, constituent empowerment & decision-making, mobilizing [...]

              Virginia Network Launched to Challenge Corporatism and Dillon’s Rule, Advance Rights of Nature

              Activists who helped defeat the Atlantic Coast Pipeline have launched the Virginia Community Rights Network to help build a movement for structural change that secures political authority for local communities and ecosystem rights CELDF press release posted July 14, 2020 Contact: Heidi Dhivya Berthoud Virginia Community Rights Network 434-979-9732 Ben Price Community Environmental Legal [...]

                Lawsuit: Columbus, OH Must Take Action to Preserve Direct Democracy During the Pandemic

                Petitioners for a fracking industry ban and Rights of Nature law seek temporary restraining order, argue Columbus petition law violates state constitutional protections to safely gather signatures FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 17, 2020 Tish O’Dell Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund Ohio Community Organizer 440-552-6774 Bill Lyons Columbus Bill of Rights Co-organizer 614-551-6194 [...]

                  CELDF REPORT: Corporations Are Suing Cities Across the USA

                  A new Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund report details a standard operating procedure of how corporate interests, and the politicians who serve them, retain power. Just like the 2008 financial crisis, the federal government is once again bailing out corporate interests while leaving local communities (and their budgets) left out to dry. State and municipal [...]

                    New Hampshire Supreme Court: Allow People to Defend Against Corporate Lawsuits

                    A town has refused to defend residents’ Right to a Healthy Climate law against a corporate ‘rights’ lawsuit. Residents demand they be allowed to defend their law in court. This press release from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) posted June 9, 2020. CONTACT: Michelle Sanborn Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund New England Community [...]

                      BREAKING: Repressive Tactics Used to Attack Rights of Nature

                      Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate plaintiff demands $293,750 from City of Toledo for defending the Lake Erie Bill of Rights. This press release was published by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) on March 13, 2020. TOLEDO,OH: The international corporate law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP, has filed a motion demanding $293,750 [...]

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