Original Writings on Community Rights Topics

A Futures Market in Constitutional Rights?

This article by Jane Anne Morris (DemocracyThemePark.org) was originally published in the Fall 1997 edition of Earth Island Journal. It’s the best of times, if you’re a rapacious corporation with money. It’s the worst of times, if you’re a citizen with democratic pretensions, or a living thing. Or a rock. Especially if you contain ore. Using [...]

Stone Soup, Democracy Salad, Just Desserts

This 1997 article by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, DemocracyThemePark.org, in 2011. Centuries ago, Sir John Colepepper said of the “corporations” of his day, Like the frogs of Egypt, they have gotten possession of our dwellings and we have scarcely a room free from them; they sip in our cup; they dip in our [...]

Strip Corporations of their Cloaking Devices

This article by Jane Anne Morris (DemocracyThemePark.org) was originally published in the Fall 1996 edition of Democracy Unlimited News Dispatch (in Wisconsin), and later reprinted in Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy. Who spends the most time in federal courts complaining that their “due process” and “equal protection under the law” rights have been violated? Pushy women? Uppity Blacks? Gray [...]

Corporations for the Seventh Generation, Part 2

This 1996 article by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, DemocracyThemePark.org, in 2014. Part 2: Corporations for the Seventh Generation In view of the historic provisions noted in Part I that used to govern corporations, their representatives must be pleased that at least in this country, boycotts and divestment strategies are considered radical, and “dialoging” is the preferred [...]

Corporations for the Seventh Generation, Part 1

This 1996 article by Jane Anne Morris was published on her website, DemocracyThemePark.org, in 2014. Part 1: Legacy Of The Founding Parents The people who founded this nation didn’t fight a war so that they could have a couple of “citizen representatives” sitting in on meetings of the British East India Company. They carried out a revolution in [...]

America Needs A Law Prohibiting Corporate Donations

This article by Jane Anne Morris (DemocracyThemePark.org) was originally published in the Winter 1996 edition of Synthesis/Regeneration, then reprinted in the July 11, 1996 edition of Rachel’s Environment & Health Weekly (#502), then reprinted in the Fall 1996 issue of Earth Island Journal, and was reprinted yet again in the January 9, 1997 edition of The Chronicle [...]

Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation

When the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy first launched its historically groundbreaking work in the early 1990's to help US'ians to try to understand why our citizen activism was so incredibly ineffective, and what were the structural causes that made it that way, one of the very first things they published and widely distributed was this [...]

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