Original Writings on Community Rights Topics

Seceding from Ourselves

A Blog Posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 5th, 2018. As I spend time with family in the Boston area, I’m no more than a mile away from what was once known as “Harmony Grove,” where the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society celebrated the Fourth of July with picnics and rallies for over [...]

Colorado River Dispatch #6: Water is Death

This dispatch by Will Falk was posted on Deep Green Resistance News Service November 22, 2017. Editor’s note: This is the latest installment from Will Falk as he follows the Colorado River from headwaters to delta, before heading to court to argue for the Colorado River to be recognized as having inherent rights. More details [...]

Did Project Censored Miss the Biggest Story of the Year? Corporate Constitutional “Rights” that make Crises Inevitable.

This original essay was written by Paul Cienfuegos, Founder and Co-Director of Community Rights US. It has also been published in The PeaceWorker, Oregon’s monthly PeaceWorks news magazine. Paul welcomes other media to publish it also. In early October, Project Censored released its always-newsworthy Top 25 Most Censored Stories of the past year. These are urgent [...]

Jordan Cove LNG Backers Spend Huge Money to Sway Tiny Oregon County Election.

This article by Simon Davis-Cohen originally appeared in DeSmog Blog. Two weeks ahead of an Oregon county special election, backers of the multi-billion dollar Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project are spending an additional $236,500 to prevent that vote from halting the proposed fossil fuel project. That’s on top of the $359,000 the LNG project’s [...]

Oregon County Faces Gas Industry Funding, Lobbyists in Battle to Halt Jordan Cove LNG Project.

This article by Simon Davis-Cohen originally appeared in DeSmog Blog. Scattered throughout Coos County, situated on Oregon’s southern coast, are signs reading “Save Coos Jobs, Vote No on County Measure 6-162.” The signs were put there by Save Coos Jobs, a political action committee (PAC) with more than $358,500 in funding from Canadian-based energy company Veresen’s [...]

Myths, Mistruths & Misinformation: Response to the main points of the Coalition to Defeat Measure 21-177.

This document is from the Lincoln County, Oregon, Community Rights campaign's official response to the propaganda circulating against their proposed ordinance, titled “Freedom of Lincoln County from Aerially-Sprayed Pesticides”, that will be on the county ballot on May 16th. The ordinance will: Ban aircraft application of pesticides on clearcut forest land in Lincoln County. Protect [...]

Gorsuch’s Gory Expansion of Corporate Personhood

This essay by Greg Coleridge was published online on March 22, 2017 by the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch didn’t invent “corporate personhood,” the shorthand term used to describe the ludicrous decisions by U.S. Supreme Courts to sanctify corporate entities with inalienable constitutional rights intended exclusively for human [...]

Worried about SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch? Remember, movements don’t begin and end at the Supreme Court steps

A Blog Posting by Mari Margil of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from February 17, 2017. The United States Supreme Court once wrote: “The nature of injustice is that we may not always see it in our own times.” Slaves saw great injustice in their own time.  Women, Native Americans, African Americans, the LGBTQ [...]

A Rights-Based Draft Sanctuary City Law

Growing numbers of communities in the U.S. are responding to Donald Trump’s attack on “undocumented” human beings by seeking to offer sanctuary to those being targeted. These communities recognize that the Declaration of Independence asserts we are all born equal and with certain unalienable rights. They understand the Declaration was written prior to the creation [...]

Community Rights: Because Climate Conferences Won’t Stop Climate Change.

This article was written by Thomas Linzey, the Executive Director of Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, and was published in the news-weekly, In These Times. Nations around the world have been meeting for more than two decades to solve the looming problem of climate change. During their most recent gathering—held last November in the Moroccan [...]

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