News Stories: National & International

    George Monibot: Only rebellion will prevent an ecological apocalypse

    No one is coming to save us. Mass civil disobedience is essential to force a political response This article by George Monibot appeared in The Guardian on April 15th, 2019. Had we put as much effort into preventing environmental catastrophe as we’ve spent on making excuses for inaction, we would have solved it by now. [...]

      The Toledo Blade: United Nations invites Lake Erie activists to speak about bill of rights

      This article by Alex Mester and Mark Zaborney appeared in The Toledo Blade on April 3rd, 2019. The Lake Erie Bill of Rights charter initiative in Toledo is reaching the international stage. Two local organizers of the effort have been invited to the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this month to speak about their [...]

        Common Dreams: Global Civil Society Urges WTO Members to Abandon Digital Trade Talks

        As thousands gather for a global summit in Geneva, just weeks after some countries launched talks on "e-commerce" policies, more than 300 groups from around the world warn governments of serious dangers and urge them to instead focus on transforming global trade rules for shared prosperity for all This article by Deborah James appeared on [...]

          The London Free Press: What an Ohio city’s bold move to protect Lake Erie tells us

          An Ohio city that shares Lake Erie with Southwestern Ontario has thrown down the gauntlet, declaring the lake has rights just like a human being. This article by Jennifer Bieman and Ellwood Shreve appeared in The London Free Press on, March 10th, 2019. Sure, Toledo’s bold step endorsing a bill of rights for the lake [...]

            U.S. News: Will Toledo Give Rights to Lake Erie?

            A proposal, among the first of its kind for large U.S. cities, could redefine conservation efforts. This article by Trevor Bach appeared on the U.S. News and World Report website,  February 22,  2019. BY EARLY AUGUST OF 2014 hundreds of square miles of Lake Erie's surface were covered in a thick green ooze, a massive algae bloom [...]

              Fighting pollution: Toledo residents want personhood status for Lake Erie

              The controversial legal bill will allow citizens to sue a polluter on behalf of the lake and for penalties to be imposed This article by Daniel McGraw appeared in The Guardian on, February 19th, 2019. In early August 2014, Crystal Jankowski was late in her pregnancy and knew she was about due. In was hot [...]

              By |2019-02-20T11:09:39-08:00February 19th, 2019|News Stories: National & International, Rights of Nature|

                With Amazon Out of New York, Some Lawmakers Seek Multistate Ban on Corporate Tax Breaks

                Lawmakers in at least a half-dozen states are considering forming a compact in which they would agree to end efforts to lure companies with tax incentives. This article by Liz Farmer appeared in Governing, February 17th, 2019. A brief commentary about this article by Community Rights US Director and Founder Paul Cienfuegos: It’s terrific news that [...]

                  The New York Times: Legal Rights for Lake Erie? Voters in Ohio City Will Decide

                  This article by Timothy Williams appeared in The New York Times, February 17th, 2019. The failing health of Lake Erie, the world’s 11th largest lake, is at the heart of one of the most unusual questions to appear on an American ballot: Should a body of water be given rights normally associated with those granted [...]

                  By |2019-02-18T09:55:12-08:00February 17th, 2019|News Stories: National & International, Rights of Nature|

                    Turag given ‘legal person’ status to save it from encroachment

                    The High Court has given orders to give some legal rights to all the rivers in Bangladesh This article by Nawaz Farhin Antara was published in the Dhaka Tribune, January 30th, 2019. -- The High Court on Wednesday accorded the Turag river the status of “legal person” to save it from encroachment and said that [...]

                      Corporate PACs Took A Beating In The Election. Now They Want More Power.

                      Courting Democrats and veteran journalists is part of their strategy. This article by Daniel Marans and Paul Blumenthal appeared in the Huffington Post, November 23rd, 2018. Brief commentary by Community Rights US Media Team member Curt Hubatch: As you read through this article you'll notice a LINK to a powerpoint presentation that was recently given [...]

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