News Stories: National & International

    Erin Brockovich Says US is Now in a Water Crisis Far Worse Than People Realize

    Here’s what she proposes. Published in "The Hill" By Anagha Srikanth | Sept. 15, 2020 Amid a global pandemic and protests against police brutality, Erin Brockovich is trying to get America to pay attention to yet another issue: water. "We are in a water crisis beyond anything you can imagine. Pollution and toxins are everywhere, [...]

      Recent Developments in Ecuador: Rights of Nature

      The Constitutional Court selects cases to develop the "content" of the legal rights of nature. Published on Common Dreams July 17, 2020 by Mari Margil   When we think of Ecuador, the first thing that may come to mind are the Galapagos Islands—a place out of history, where Charles Darwin thought big thoughts amidst giant [...]

      By |2020-08-12T22:54:40-07:00August 14th, 2020|News Stories: National & International|

        DeSantis Signs Sweeping New Environmental Law For Cleaner Water

        The headline is deceptive. The law actually prevents local water protection even if the state fails to act. Published by WUFT on June 30, 2020 By Marlowe Starling MIAMI – Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law Tuesday a proposal expected to improve water quality across the state. The Republican governor called the measure “one of [...]

          ‘Sweet City’: the Costa Rica suburb that gave citizenship to bees, plants and trees

          A suburb of the country’s capital is showing how urban planning can be harnessed to benefit both humans and wildlife “Pollinators were the key,” says Edgar Mora, reflecting on the decision to recognise every bee, bat, hummingbird and butterfly as a citizen of Curridabat during his 12-year spell as mayor. “Pollinators are the consultants of [...]

            Getting Back to Normal?! No Thank You!

            We're excited to announce that ZNet ran Paul's recent essay on a post-coronavirus world: More than 30 million people in the US are out of work, a similar percentage as in the Great Depression, and for many of them that also means they’ve lost their employer-linked health insurance overnight. More than 30% of all US renters couldn’t [...]

              On the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, is it time to consider rights for nature?

              Most of the time, the Floridan Aquifer feeds the nearly 200 springs in the Suwanee River Basin, pushing water up through ancient porous limestone to the surface. During times of flood, pressure from the rising waters can cause the springs to reverse flow. The springs recharge the aquifer instead of the other way around. This [...]

                Scientists Warn Worse Pandemics Are on the Way if We Don’t Protect Nature

                The article below argues for stronger environmental protections if we want to avoid future pandemics and environmental catastrophes. In the Community Rights movement we are challenging legal doctrines that make sustainability illegal in the United States. As we work to legalize sustainability we should beware the Box of Allowable Activism and work to dismantle it. [...]

                  “You saved the .ORG domain”- but just temporarily?

                  by Paul Cienfuegos Although we are absolutely thrilled that the “.org domain" on the Internet has been saved from becoming just another commodity to be bought and sold by large corporations, we hesitate to call this “a huge win” or a “victory," as the organization Open Media does in this article (You saved the .ORG [...]

                    Will State Preemption Leave Cities More Vulnerable?

                    Local governments wish state officials would do more to combat coronavirus. In a few states, they’re angry that governors have issued orders that preempt cities and counties from setting their own course. Published April 3, 2020 in Governing by Alan Greenblatt Like other mayors around the country, Kate Gallego is trying to keep her residents [...]

                      Interstate Commerce and The Corona Virus

                      So the Attorney General of the United States is now claiming that stay-at-home orders from governors "may go too far and interfere with interstate commerce”. In which case, presumably, the AG would claim he has the authority to overrule the governors and lift their quarantines. Is that overreach? Yep! But hey, "the economy" is suffering! [...]

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