News Stories: National & International

    U.S. Lawyer Steven Donziger Speaks from House Arrest in NYC After Suing Chevron for Amazon Oil Spills

    The following story demonstrates how entitled, spoiled corporate leaders behave when they don't get their way. They didn't appreciate the reprimand for polluting Ecuador's waters and the wave of cancer that followed, so rather than pay reparations, they've spent far more in the last decade to try to avoid responsibility and wreak havoc on those [...]

    By |2021-03-15T22:19:34-07:00March 16th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

      Uh-Oh, Nevada Wants To Let Corporations Form Their Own Governments

      A Nevada bill would allow corporations to form their own governments if they're big enough and rich enough to scoop up enough land. What could possibly go wrong? Colbert discusses the matter in this segment posted March 2, 2021. See the AP article published Feb 3, 2021 below. Nevada bill would allow tech [...]

      By |2021-03-10T14:50:58-08:00March 11th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

        A Quebec River Now Has Legal Personhood

        What that means for granting nature rights. Published on the Ecojustice blog by lawyer Sean Nixon. Famous for its white-water rapids, the Muteshekau-shipu river (also known as the Magpie River) stretches 300 kilometres through Quebec. The river is of profound cultural importance to the Innu of Ekuanitshit. And now, in a Canadian first, this waterway [...]

          Quebec’s Magpie River Becomes First in Canada to be Granted Legal Personhood.

          By Chloe Rose Stuart-Ulin in Canada's National Observer on Febrary 24, 2021. In a first for Canadians, a river in Côte-Nord, Que., has been granted legal personhood by the local municipality of Minganie and the Innu Council of Ekuanitshit. The Magpie River, (Muteshekau-shipu in the Innu Coet) is an internationally renowned whitewater rafting site, winding [...]

            Big Tech Shouldn’t Be the Arbiter of Our Free Speech Rights

            Greg Coleridge of Move to Amend writes about the problems associated with allowing social media platforms to be arbiters of free speech. It's a succinct, short argument, worth a read. We at CRUS are in absolute and full agreement that constitutional rights should never be granted to business corporations. And we agree that this article [...]

              A Texas City Had a Bold New Climate Plan – Until a Gas Company Got Involved.

              Business as usual.   And did you know that this so-called "natural" gas corporation wouldn't be allowed to interfere in this state governmental public process if corporations were prohibited from exercising constitutional so-called "rights"?   That's the work we do at Community Rights US - we help communities and counties to pass locally enforceable laws [...]

              By |2021-03-01T19:50:43-08:00March 3rd, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.

                By Molly Ball in Time on February 4, 2021 5:40 AM EST. A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing. The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before [...]

                By |2021-02-27T21:47:51-08:00March 1st, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                  Deb Haaland’s nomination to lead Interior is a historic first for Native Americans. The GOP wants Biden to cancel it.

                  Republicans have called Haaland radical over her support for the Green New Deal. But her views align neatly with President Biden’s climate plan. Published in the Washington Post By Darryl Fears on Feb. 19, 2021 at 10:01 a.m. PST. As Rep. Deb Haaland prepares for a Senate hearing Tuesday that could make her the first [...]

                  By |2021-02-23T17:51:14-08:00February 24th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                    Shell in Nigeria: Polluted communities ‘can sue in English courts’

                    The UK Supreme Court has ruled that oil-polluted Nigerian communities can sue Shell in English courts. Published by the BBC on Feb 12. The decision is a victory for the communities after a five-year battle, and overturns a Court of Appeal ruling. The Niger Delta communities of more than 40,000 people say decades of pollution [...]

                    By |2021-02-14T21:55:14-08:00February 15th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                      In Florida, a River’s Rights are Recognized

                      How Orange County became the most populous area in the US to recognize rights for nature. Published in Sierra by Rebecca Renner | Feb 9 2021. In the summer of 2020, the Little Wekiva River appeared to die. In the span of less than two years, the creek north of downtown Orlando, Florida, had dwindled from [...]

                      By |2021-05-03T16:34:29-07:00February 10th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|
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