News Stories: National & International

    If the frogs should win

    The fate of some of Ecuador's last remaining cloud forests and hundreds of livelihoods rests on the outcome of a trailblazing Rights of Nature case concerning two tiny amphibians. Published January 11, 2021 by Carlos Zorrilla in The Ecologist. Two frogs no more than four centimetres in length: they seem so insignificant. But much is riding [...]

    By |2021-09-15T12:18:20-07:00September 13th, 2021|News Stories: National & International, Rights of Nature|

      Laws of nature: could UK rivers be given the same rights as people?

      This Guardian article by Isabella Kaminski was published July 17, 2021. As more and more countries grant natural features or ecosystems legal personhood, the UK’s fight to pass nature rights laws is quietly gaining pace The River Frome murmurs and babbles through the woods and fields of north Somerset. It is popular with anglers and [...]

        Defending the rights of nature: A new approach to save the planet

        This episode of "Good Food," hosted by Evan Kleiman, was broadcast by KCRW on July 23, 2021 “We need to do something different,” says Thomas Linzey, Senior Legal Counsel at the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights. He works globally and nationally to advance the “rights of nature,” stepping into the shoes of ecosystems to [...]

          Developer pulls the plug on Keystone XL oil pipeline

          Loads of articles came out Wednesday, June 9, 2021 announcing the end to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. They may report that the company decided to stop, but what really stopped the pipeline was organizing by Indigenous people and many allies. (CNN)The developer of the Keystone XL pipeline announced Wednesday it is pulling the plug [...]

          By |2021-06-09T17:33:00-07:00June 10th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

            Chile activists eye chance for unmatched environmental protection

            Progressive representatives elected to draft a new Chilean constitution say environmental protections will be paramount. Published by Aljazeera by Charis McGowan, Jun 5, 2021. Santiago, Chile – Chile’s newly elected constitutional assembly will be meeting this month for the first time to kick off a nine-month process of drafting a new doctrine to guide the [...]

            By |2021-06-07T13:42:10-07:00June 8th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

              Lithium Mining Corporation not Deterred by Local Opposition

              Thacker Pass Concerned Citizens meeting in Orovada NV on 4/27/2021. The meeting lasted 2’ 53”. About half way through, Paul Cienfuegos asked Lithium Nevada Corp’s Tim Crowley a question. This is the exchange: Paul Cienfuegos, Founding Director, Community Rights US: It appears to me that there’s overwhelming opposition to having any mine at all on [...]

              By |2021-05-30T21:52:40-07:00May 30th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                Steven Donziger Trial is Monday (5/10) at 10 am EST (rally at 8:30am)

                On the eve of his trial, Steven Donziger released the message below. He is asking anyone who can to come to the Federal Courthouse at 500 Pearl St in Manhattan on Monday, May 10, 2021 for an 8:30am rally before the 10am EST trial.

                By |2021-05-09T21:27:02-07:00May 9th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                  68 Nobel Laureates Demand DOJ Probe Into Chevron’s Prosecution of Steven Donziger

                  "A nation that wants to lead on climate issues can't let multinational oil corporations pervert the democratic process and silence its critics," said 1997 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Jody Williams. Published in Common Dreams, By Kenny Stancil on May 4, 2021 Dozens of Nobel laureates on Tuesday demanded that the U.S. Department of Justice intervene [...]

                  By |2021-05-24T14:07:16-07:00May 6th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|

                    Rights of Nature Victory in Mexico

                    Victory: Rights of Nature in the state of Oaxaca. CRUS Board Secretary Forest Jahnke was in Oaxaca recently and reported back about the Rights of Nature victory there: After the last few months tracking and investigating the issue on any front possible while down in Oaxaca, Mexico, I was ecstatic to hear that Oaxaca recently [...]

                      Green Groups File ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ FTC Complaint Against Chevron for Climate Lies

                      By Kenny Stancil, staff writer, Common Dreams, March 16, 2021. "The world's second biggest polluter shouldn't advertise that they're good for the environment." Three environmental justice and corporate accountability groups filed a "first-of-its-kind" complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday accusing oil giant Chevron of deceiving the public by overstating its investment in renewable [...]

                      By |2021-03-17T22:12:11-07:00March 18th, 2021|News Stories: National & International|
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