News Stories: Local

    Lafayette may again consider legalizing anti-fracking civil disobedience

    City Council approved 'Climate Bill' last year without controversial provision This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, March 19th, 2018. Lafayette's City Council this week will discuss amending the Climate Bill of Rights and Protections — a piece of city code adopted last year that supporters say effectively bans oil and gas [...]

    Proposed Lane County aerial herbicide spray ban not eligible for May election ballot, judge rules

    This article by Elon Glucklich appeared in The Register-Guard, March 9th, 2108. A proposed ballot measure to ban the aerial spraying of herbicides across Lane County can’t proceed to a vote because it is too broadly written, a Lane County Circuit Court judge has ruled. The ruling by Judge Karsten Rasmussen on Wednesday said the [...]

      Americans oppose state preemption on guns & minimum wage: poll

      This article by Sean Kinane, and 2 minutes of audio, appeared on 88.5 WMNF's website, March 7th, 2018. Actions by a south Florida city could end up challenging a Florida law that prohibits local governments from enacting gun laws that are stricter than state laws; and a new nationwide poll suggests that Americans oppose rules that preempt [...]

        Organizations rallying opposition to annual aerial spraying of pesticides in the Sky Valley region

        Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund to partner with Snohomish County Community Rights nonprofit This article by Kelly Sullivan appeared in The Monroe Monitor Valley News, March 6th, 2018. The Sky Valley’s best chance to impact local aerial spraying practices is to direct resources intentionally, according to Washington Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund organizer Kai Huschke. [...]

        Lafayette’s oil, gas forum ‘day one in the real resistance,’ activists say

        'You don't have an oil and gas problem; you have a democracy problem'  This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, March 5th, 2018. Calls for an outright fracking ban took center stage at a community forum with representatives of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund on Monday night — a meeting heralded [...]

          Judges to hear appeal of Board of Elections’ rejection of charter

          This article by Terry Smith appeared in The Athens News, February 28th, 2018. The 4th District Court of Appeals today (Thursday) is scheduled to hear an appeal of the Athens County Board of Elections’ decision last July to reject an anti-fracking county charter proposal for the November 2017 ballot. The appellant, described as “a committee [...]

            ‘Declaration of war’: liberals divided as California mulls housing push

            Proposal aimed at keeping up with population growth would limit cities’ power over housing, handing more control to state This article by Erin McCormick appeared in The Guardian, February 14th, 2018. The mayor of Berkeley, California, has called it “a declaration of war”. A neighborhood group in Los Angeles said it would be akin to [...]

            By |2018-02-27T18:35:58-08:00February 14th, 2018|News Stories: Local, State & Federal Preemption|

              Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Dennis Kucinich Supports Community Rights State Constitutional Amendment

              This article recently appeared in the Columbus Free Press. Gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich addressed the first town hall forum of the Progressive Democrats of America Central Ohio chapter on February 5. Kucinich emphasized that he is for universal health care and when in Congress had written HR 676 a Health Care for All bill, co-sponsored by [...]

                Rural residents in Lane County fight spraying of herbicides by helicopters

                This article by Elon Glucklich appeared in the Register-Guard, February 11th, 2018. TRIANGLE LAKE — Jenn and James Ruppert raise rabbits, goats and bees on their 3-acre farm. Most of their neighbors are small-farmers, too, or retirees living on acreage along Highway 36 as it winds through the rural Lake Creek Valley. With a few [...]

                  Civil rights director argues proposed employment legislation could burden employers

                  This article by Lisa Speckhard Pasque appeared in The Cap Times, February 11th, 2018. Under a bill in the legislature, municipalities like the city of Madison couldn’t write or enforce their own laws about employment discrimination. That would stop a national trend of “burdening employees and employers alike with excessive regulation," author of the proposal [...]

                  By |2018-02-27T18:40:10-08:00February 11th, 2018|News Stories: Local, State & Federal Preemption|
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