News Stories: Local

    Denver7: Anti-fracking protesters shut down LaFayette council meeting

    This short article by Jackie Crea was posted on Denver7 June 19th, 2018. There is also a 90 second video clip embedded in the article. The fight to keep oil and gas out of Lafayette heated up Tuesday night after anti-fracking protesters shut down a city council meeting preventing a controversial vote. MORE...

    By |2018-06-21T17:05:33-07:00June 19th, 2018|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature, Video|

      Daily Camera: Anti-fracking protest forces Lafayette City Council to adjourn early, suspend vote on new drilling rules

      'Activist: 'The vote to legalize drilling in (Lafayette) was shut down by the people tonight' This article by Anthony Hahn appeared in the Daily Camera, June 19th, 2018. An impromptu protest from anti-fracking activists on the floor of Lafayette's City Council meeting Tuesday forced officials to abruptly adjourn, suspending the leadership's planned vote to revamp the [...]

      By |2018-06-21T17:12:04-07:00June 19th, 2018|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature|

        Sand mine near Bloomer looking to expand, applied for 60-year permit

        A Chippewa County sand mine has applied for a permit to expand from 176 acres to more than 1,000 acres, according to county documents.... This article by Sarah Seifert appeared in the Chippewa Herald, June 7th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US Media Team Member Curt Hubatch: I finished reading this article with [...]

          How Amazon Is Holding Seattle Hostage

          The city wants to tax large corporations to pay for homeless housing, but Jeff Bezos isn’t pleased. This article by Michael Hobbes appeared in the Huffington Post, May 12th, 2018. Brief commentary by Community Rights US Director and Founder Paul Cienfuegos: Corporate boards of directors are holding citizens hostage all over the US and around the [...]

            One West Virginia County Tried to Break Its Dependence on the Energy Industry. It Was Overruled.

            After seeing the scars of coal, Fayette County banned the disposal of natural gas drilling waste. Industry fought back, arguing the community doesn’t get a say. This article by Ken Ward Jr. appeared in ProPublica on May 4th, 2018. FAYETTEVILLE, W.Va. — Matt Wender’s vision for Fayette County begins with the New River Gorge. Whitewater [...]

              The Daily News: Pig Farm Fight Continues

              Todd Twp. residents hold second community meeting This article by Adam Watson appeared in The Daily News, May 1st, 2018. The Todd Township Supervisors will be asked at their Monday, May 14, meeting to consider adopting an ordinance that would stop a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) from being built in the township. The ordinance [...]

                Public Spaces and Local Democracy

                This article by Jess Zimbabwe appeared in Cities Speak, April 20th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US media team Curt Hubatch: This article mentions there's "a surging nationwide preemption battle" that "is uniquely chilling local democracy." After reading this, and as I made my way through the rest of this article, I was [...]

                  Portage Daily Register: Zoning committee delays vote on cession of authority to state

                  This article by Jonathan Stefonek appeared in the Portage Daily Register, April 5th, 2018. A brief commentary by Curt Hubatch, Community Rights US media team member: The other day a friend and colleague shared this article on my Facebook page. I immediately took interest and read it. The article has to do with tar sands [...]

                    Targeting Austin’s sick-leave ordinance is part of a bigger war

                    This article by John Austin appeared in the Cleburne Times-Review, April 5th, 2018. A brief commentary by Curt Hubatch, Community Rights US media team member: Let's not forget one of the primary reasons why the American Independence movement declared their independence from the King of England: The King, it says in the Declaration of Independence, failed to [...]

                      Anti-fracking group’s attorney sends letter to Lafayette over possible legal action

                      This article by John Bear appeared in the Daily Camera, March 20th, 2018. An attorney for the anti-fracking group East Boulder County United has sent a letter to the city of Lafayette suggesting possible legal action regarding the city's Climate Bill of Rights that was passed last year, albeit without a provision that would protect [...]

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