News Stories: Local

    The Indiana Gazette: Fight over Grant Township well far from over

    This article by Chauncey Ross appeared in The Indiana Gazette on April 26th, 2019. EAST RUN — A federal court ruling earlier this month has left dark clouds over northeastern Indiana County. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Baxter ordered Grant Township to pay $103,000 of the legal expenses connected with a lawsuit that a major [...]

      Watch: Lake Erie activist addresses the United Nations

      This article by Tom Henry appeared in The Toledo Blade on April 22nd, 2019. There is also a five minute video of Markie Miller of the Toledoans for Safe Water addressing the United Nation embedded in the article. She’s still numb and was definitely humbled by the experience of speaking before the United Nations. She’s [...]

        The Toledo Blade: United Nations invites Lake Erie activists to speak about bill of rights

        This article by Alex Mester and Mark Zaborney appeared in The Toledo Blade on April 3rd, 2019. The Lake Erie Bill of Rights charter initiative in Toledo is reaching the international stage. Two local organizers of the effort have been invited to the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this month to speak about their [...]

          We Need To Do Our Part As Good Humans

          Activist Winona LaDuke encourages people to understand that our future depends on humans recognizing the rights of the natural world This article by Alyssa Kelly appeared in the Char-Koosta News on March 28th, 2019. MISSOULA — From blazing temperatures and billion dollar wildfires igniting across the country, to rising sea levels and entire animal species [...]

            Beatrice Daily Sun: Corporations have rights; why not a lake?

            This article by Alan Guebert was published in the Beatrice Daily Sun on March 21st, 2019. If the ballot box is the ultimate source of power in the United States, then voters in Toledo, Ohio, used that power Feb. 26 to create what’s now being called a “Bill of Rights” for their wide, blue neighbor, [...]

              WTAJ-TV: Residents Fighting Hog Farm

              This news story and 2 minute video by John Clay appeared on WTAJ-TV on March 20th, 2019. Todd Township, Huntingdon County - About 10 minutes from Raystown Lake in Huntingdon County sits Todd Township. About 1000 peole live there. Some run family farms that are welcome. But a new type of farm has residents steaming. [...]

              By |2019-04-03T09:41:46-07:00March 20th, 2019|News Stories: Local, State & Federal Preemption, Video|

       Lake Erie – yes, the body of water – asks to be let into lawsuit over bill of rights

                This article by Eric Heisig was published on on March 19th, 2019. CLEVELAND, Ohio – Lake Erie is going to court. The Great Lake, known to Ohio residents as the body of water where they can boat, fish and swim, asked a federal judge on Monday to jump into a lawsuit over a law Toledoans [...]

                By |2019-03-21T07:52:56-07:00March 19th, 2019|News Stories: Local, Rights of Nature|

                  Climate Liability News: N.H. Town Passes Law Recognizing Right to a Healthy Climate

                  This article by Dana Drugmand was published in Climate Liability News on March 14th, 2019. The town of Exeter, N.H. passed an ordinance recognizing the right to a healthy climate, the second ordinance of its kind to be passed in the U.S,. The law, dubbed the Right to Healthy Climate Ordinance, recognizes the “right to a [...]

                  By |2019-03-16T08:50:39-07:00March 14th, 2019|News Stories: Local, News Stories: State & Regional|

                    New Hampshire Union Leader: Epping voters pass resolution seeking voice in proposed gas storage facility

                    This article by Jason Schreiber appeared in The Hew Hampshire Union Leader on March 13th, 2019. EPPING — Voters OK’d a non-binding resolution Tuesday that aims to give residents more of a voice as Liberty Utilities moves ahead with plans to build a liquefied natural gas storage facility off Route 101. The resolution, which was proposed as [...]

                    By |2019-03-15T06:39:11-07:00March 13th, 2019|News Stories: Local|

                      Update on Climate Bill of Rights Introduced in Washburn County, Wisconsin

                      News update from one of our active Community Rights groups in northern Wisconsin, from one of its core members, Curt Hubatch (who also maintains our website's NewsFeed): The Washburn County Community Rights Alliance (WCCRA) introduced our Climate Bill of Rights to the Chicog Town Board in Northwestern Wisconsin in December. There was an hour of [...]

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