Labor Movement vs Corporate “Rights”

    “Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing the Entire Planet, and Where Our Energies Can Best be Focused” – A Speech by Paul Cienfuegos

    Here is a new speech by Community Rights US' founding director, Paul Cienfuegos, presented to the Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon on September 19, 2020. You can read it below, or listen to it HERE.   Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing [...]

      Making Corporate America Safe for Democracy

      A new guest blog post by Taru Taylor from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund explores the idea of property: Property is just not the objects we own and possess, it's also our labor and skills we've acquired to do that labor. Check out the piece from May 22: Occupy Wall Street highlighted class conflict [...]

      By |2020-06-03T13:37:47-07:00June 3rd, 2020|Labor Movement vs Corporate "Rights"|

        Press Release: How Wealth Rules the World – and What Communities Are Doing About It

        This press release was released by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund on May 21, 2019. Crackdowns on local democracy are accelerating, as corporate and state interests continue efforts to repress social movements. In this well-timed book, How Wealth Rules the World, Ben Price presciently reveals structures of power and law that facilitate blatant corporate supremacy in [...]

          In Corporate America, too many bosses tell employees what to vote for

          A new book points out how companies mobilise their employees to support politicians beneficial to the corporation This article by Ganesh Sitaraman appeared in The Guardian, May 7th, 2018. Brief commentary by Community Rights US (CRUS) director Paul Cienfuegos: What happens when business corporations' Supreme Court granted First Amendment free speech rights become much more [...]

            The Progressive: Poll: Voters Want Local Control, Not State Takeovers

            This article by Simon Davis-Cohen appeared in The Progressive, April 5th, 2018. The Republican Party and corporate-backed groups like the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council have made “state preemption” of local political and economic powers a top priority for decades. Left-leaning electoral movements have been sluggish in their response. Despite Occupy and other mobilizations against [...]

              Opinion: Florida cities are fighting for home rule

              This letter to the editor by Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillium was published in The Tallahassee Democrat, February 5th, 2018. It’s no secret that Florida’s cities and counties are under attack. The Florida Constitution gives local governments broad “home rule” powers to deal with local issues and priorities. For decades, Florida’s communities have taken pride in [...]

                Taking a Knee on the First Amendment

                Blog Posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from October 10, 2017. When former Superbowl quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem over a year ago, I don’t think anyone could have predicted what would happen next. Whether that would have been one of the singers of the anthem [...]

                CEOs Now Make 300 Times More Than Their Workers. This City Is Putting a Stop to That.

                Runaway CEO pay contributes to income inequality and ultimately harms companies, so local governments aren’t waiting for a federal fix. This article by Chuck Collins was published online on April 7, 2017 in Yes Magazine. [Editors Note: This new ordinance in Portland, Oregon is not a local Community Rights ordinance but is impressive nonetheless. I would [...]

                Towards a county-wide uprising of citizens asserting our authority to govern ourselves by wresting control of land use decision-making away from Maxxam Corporation and putting it in the hands of the people where it rightfully belongs…

                This is the third draft of one of many draft documents produced by the Steering Committee of 'The Democratic Logging Project' in Humboldt County, California - which never made it to public launch for lack of a critical mass of people, but which nonetheless engendered more than a year's worth of very fine small group [...]

                When Corporations Wield the Constitution.

                An original essay by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, which appeared as the Foreword in the book, The Elite Consensus, by George Draffan (2002). The 1st Amendment "does not intend to guarantee men freedom to say what some private interest pays them to say for its own advantage. It intends only to make men free [...]

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