Interviews with Community Rights People

To frack or not to frack

That is the question addressed by the new documentary ‘Drilling Mora County’ This article by Tamra Testerman appeared in The Taos News, February 8th, 2018. The genesis of David Luis Leal Cortez’ most recent film, “Drilling Mora County,” and his journey as a filmmaker began where he said he made his first super-8 short films at the [...]

The Community Rights Movement to the New Hampshire House: Let the People Decide What’s Best

This article by John Collins appeared in In These Times, February 8th, 2018. When you combine an economic system that requires constant growth in order to function, with a legal system that mistakes corporations for “people”—you inevitably wind up with a few extremely powerful corporations and a lot of powerless citizens. Furthermore, when that same [...]

Video Interview: Amend To Protect New Hampshire’s People, Communities and Nature from Corporate Harm

This 46 minute video interview was posted on the National Community Rights Network (NCRN) website, January 31st, 2018. Tom Groover interviews New Hampshire community organizers Michelle Sanborn, Monica Christofill and Douglas Darrell. Michelle and Monica are organizers with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), and Douglas is a Board member of the NHCRN and the NCRN. Michelle begins [...]

Video Interview: Protecting Lake Erie’s Right to Exist with the Lake Erie Bill of Rights

This one hour video interview was posted on the National Community Rights Network (NCRN) website, January 29th, 2018. Tom Groover has an INCREDIBLE conversation with grassroots activists Markie Miller and Will Falk about recognizing and protecting the Rights of Nature through local law-making as a legal solution to a fixed governmental/corporate state system. This fixed system places [...]

KBOO: Ray Raphael debunks historical myths of our founding era, recognizes the common people

This audio interview took place on January 24th, 2018 on KBOO public radio in Portland, Oregon. This 62 minute audio can be downloaded and listened to HERE. Historian Ray Raphael discusses his research and its implications with Community Rights activist Paul Cienfuegos Drawing on oral histories and in-depth research, historian Ray Raphael of Humboldt County, CA, has written over 20 [...]

The Hartmann Report: What’s It Going to Take to Return to the Politics of Sanity?

This audio interview with NH representative Ellen Read and CELDF’s Michelle Sanborn about the NH Community Rights state constitutional amendment took place on The Harmann Report, November 27, 2017. This 10 minute interview starts 31:00 into the podcast, and can be listened to HERE.

Colorado River v. Colorado with Will Falk

This interview with Will Falk was posted on the National Community Rights Network's homepage November 20, 2017.  The 85 minute video can be viewed HERE. "I recently helped the Colorado River sue the State of Colorado in a first-in-the-nation lawsuit — Colorado River v. Colorado — requesting that the United States District Court in Denver recognize the river’s rights [...]

Resistance Radio – Guest: Juliee de la Terre – 11.05.17

This recent audio interview with Juliee de la Terre was posted on The Progressive Radio Network's website November 30, 2017. This 47 minute interview can be heard HERE. Juliee de la Terre holds an MS from the Gaylord Nelson Institute for environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She has been an activist since [...]

Coos River Estuary Intervenes in Jordan Cove FERC Proceedings

This recent audio interview was posted October 30, 2017 on KBOO Radio's website. This 8 minute interview can be heard HERE  On Wednesday, the Coos River Estuary filed a motion to intervene in the permitting process for the Jordan Cove Energy Project. The motion was filed as part of proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC. Jordan Cove [...]


This event took place on October 27, 2017 at Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. This 45 minute video can be viewed HERE. The Rights of Nature Symposium was held on October 27, 2017, at Tulane Law School in New Orleans. The Symposium was co-sponsored by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), CELDF's International [...]

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