Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    Let’s Not Wait For The Legislature’s Permission To Self-Govern

    This letter to the editor by Tejasinha Sivalingam appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun, January 25, 2018. The Ashland deliberative session on Feb. 3 will be of historic significance due to its consideration of a petitioned warrant article for a Community Rights Based Ordinance (CRBO). Ashland’s deliberation on this Community Rights Based Ordinance is part [...]

      Grant Township, PA: Sanctions against our lawyers “badge of courage”

      This letter by the Grant Township of Pennsylvania Supervisors was published on the Community Legal Defense Fund's (CELDF) website, January 12, 2018. Today the elected supervisors of Grant Township, PA, responded to the sanctions against Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) attorneys who have “defended our community’s right to stop a toxic frack wastewater injection [...]

        Fosters.Com: We The People Shall Rule

        This letter to the editor by Peter A. White appeared on Fosters.com, December 21, 2017. People have always risen up to right the wrongs inflicted by the ruling elite. That time has come again, and the people of New Hampshire are using Community Rights to end harmful exploitation of our communities. MORE....

          A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

          A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), from November 20, 2017. Recently, New Hampshire Representative Ellen Read sponsored CACR19, a state constitutional amendment that guarantees local communities the right to make the decisions affecting the places where they live – including recognizing Community Rights over corporate claimed “rights.” The New Hampshire Community Rights [...]

          My freedom is on the line to fight climate change, more will follow

          This reader's opinion by Ken Ward was published in The Hill, November 17, 2017. It’s fashionable to cast the civic conversation around climate change, such as it is, as a polarized debate between “climate deniers” and “climate believers.” That tidy distinction is on display at the Bonn climate talks, where the Trump administration will promote coal, [...]

          By |2017-11-23T19:13:44-08:00November 17th, 2017|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

          Amendment would recognize right to self-government

          This letter to the editor by board members of New Hampshire Community Rights Network appeared on Seacoast Online November 15, 2017. We are writing in support of the recently proposed State Constitutional amendment CACR19. This amendment would secure N.H. citizens’ right to self-government, thereby guaranteeing local communities the authority to protect the health, safety, and [...]

          Nexus is the only ‘special interest’ in charter fight

          This letter to the editor by Terry Lodge originally appeared in the Sentinel-Tribune October 31st, 2017. The opposition expressed by BG Councilman Robert McOmber in his context-free Oct. 27 letter to the Sentinel reflects the disdain shown by a majority of council for protecting the city's water and Bowling Green citizens. Bowling Green voters will [...]

          By |2017-11-01T10:41:51-07:00October 31st, 2017|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

          Keep BG environmentally friendly — vote “yes” on charter amendment

          This letter to the editor by Lisa Kochheiser originally appeared in the Sentinal-Tribune October 30th, 2017. To the Editor, The anti-charter amendment flyer recently mailed to BG residents states "Bowling Green is Environmentally Friendly!" That's great. But the rest of the flyer contradicts this idea and begs the question: Why did BG City Administration keep [...]

          By |2017-10-31T11:34:48-07:00October 30th, 2017|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

          Government of the people, by the people, for the people

          Marijuana de-penalization (TACO) in Athens.... This letter to the editor by Caleb Brown originally appeared in The Athens News October 26, 2017. Voters in the city of Athens will find Issue 6 on the back of the ballot on Nov. 7 asking the question whether to remove fines for marijuana in town. Your “yes” vote [...]

          ‘Right to clean environment’ should be written into Florida Constitution

          This Guest Column by Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch originally appeared in TCPalm on October 26, 2017. The article is viewable below, following a critique of it (in bold italics) by our own Paul Cienfuegos... We in the Community Rights movement would disagree with the author’s claim that the US or Florida Constitutions “protect our essential rights”. The [...]

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