Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    Letter: Citizen initiative would be important protection

    This letter to the editor by Gregory Pace appeared in The Columbus Dispatch, August 31st, 2018. The Franklin County Board of Elections committed a travesty last week when it refused to put a citizen initiative that was duly approved by Columbus City Council, including two city attorneys, on the November ballot. During the past year, [...]

      Opinion: Northern Pass Appeal Ignores Wishes of NH People

      This letter to the editor by Michelle Sanborn of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) appeared in InDepthNH.org, August 26, 2018. Brief commentary by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: A lot of people ask what they can do when faced with a corporate harm like an oil pipeline, frac-sand mine, factory [...]

        Lagniappe Weekly: Bay Lives Matter

        This letter to the editor by Thomas Linzey appeared in the Lagniappe Weekly, August 22nd, 2018. Editor: Having been born and raised in Mobile, I have fond memories of summer days spent playing in Dauphin Island’s surf, exploring Gaillard Island and walking the boardwalks over Mobile Bay. Due to the far-seeing acts of pioneering environmental [...]

          New York Times Op-Ed: Think the Constitution Will Save Us? Think Again

          The subversion of democracy was the explicit intent of the framers. This Op-ed Meagan Day and Bhaskar Sunkara appeared in The New York Times, August 9th, 2918. Consider a few facts: Donald Trump is in the White House, despite winning almost three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. The Senate, the country’s most powerful legislative [...]

            Columbus Free Press: Columbus Community Bill of Rights Initiative Makes November Ballot

            This Op-Ed by Bill Lyons appeared in the August issue of the Columbus Free Press. Most Columbus residents assume that our city is safe from the fracking industry. It is not. There are currently 13 injection wells of toxic radioactive frack waste in the Upper Scioto Watershed area, Columbus’ source water protection area. This waste [...]

              Editorial: We’re Smoking Mad That Harrisburg Won’t Let Philly Govern

              This editorial by The Inquirer Editorial Board appeared in said paper, July 11th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US Media Team member Curt Hubatch: It is said that if "the state" is going to exercise state preemption the issue at hand must be of state-wide concern, and it must protect, rather than violate, [...]

                The Laconia Daily Sun: Our Creator Never Granted Unalienable Rights to Corporations

                This guest editorial by Douglas Darrell of the National Community Rights Network (NCRN) appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun, July 9th, 2018. Guest commentary by Community Rights US Media Team member Curt Hubatch: To build a movement to elevate Community Rights over corporate rights it will take thousands of letters like Douglas Darrell's written and [...]

                The Decorah Newspaper: Can we stop large corporations from interfering in our local elections? Yes we can!

                This Guest OpEd by Paul Cienfuegos appeared in The Decorah Newspaper, June 15th, 2018. Brief note by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: The title that Paul proposed to the editors at The Decorah Newspaper was, "Can we stop large corporations from interfering in our local elections? Yes we can!” They did not include [...]

                  OpEd News: The Pushback Against Ending Corporate Rule

                  This Op-Ed by Greg Coleridge appeared on Op-Ed News.com, June 4th, 2018. Rising anger against the seemingly omnipotent power of corporations to dictate nearly every aspect of society has yielded predictable pushback from corporations and their minions (i.e. human, not small yellow creatures) in government. Laws against mass protests and stronger regulatory protections and increasing [...]

                    The Guardian: Our laws make slaves of nature. It’s not just humans who need rights

                    For decades our laws have been a death sentence for the environment. Now, from the Amazon to Australia, the tide is turning This Op-ed by Mari Margil appeared in The Guardian, May 23, 2018. The Amazon rainforest is often called the earth’s lungs, and generates 20% of the world’s oxygen. Yet in the past half-century nearly [...]

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