Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    Community Rights Amendment will be before lawmakers again

    This letter to the editor by Michelle Sanborn, President of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN), appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun, November 1st, 2018. To The Daily Sun, In early October, and in anticipation of election day on November 6, NHCRN sent surveys to all 2018 N.H. election candidates running for governor, Executive [...]

      We can’t tolerate local issues being labeled ‘beyond our authority’

      This letter to the editor by Sue Ozkan, a New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) board member, was published in the Laconia Daily Sun, October 25th, 2018. To The Daily Sun, With the midterm elections upon us, we are all acutely aware of the party lines that exist, "the blue wave"and the lack of bipartisanship [...]

      By |2018-10-26T14:03:34-07:00October 25th, 2018|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

        Opinion: Josh James-Community Rights and Theresa Stets

        This letter to the editor by Josh James appeared in the Longmont Observer, October 19th, 2018. Theresa Stets, registered independent, is running for Colorado State House District 12. So far she has been endorsed by the Green Party of Colorado, and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7. Unfortunately I’m just outside of the district. [...]

        By |2018-10-21T10:02:17-07:00October 19th, 2018|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

          To the Editor: Where do NH’s candidates stand on local choice?

          This letter to the editor by Monica Christofili, coordinator of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network, was published on Fosters.com, October 11th, 2018. To the Editor: This October, the NH Community Rights Network has sent a local choice survey to New Hampshire’s general election candidates running for governor, Executive Council, and for state representative or [...]

            Another View: Corporate personhood dilutes NH’s Bill of Rights

            This editorial by Douglas Darrell, a New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) board member, was published on Fosters.com, October 9th, 2018. ll people are born with inalienable rights — the right to practice one’s chosen religion, to exercise free speech, etc. These rights define our personhood and cannot be transferred from person to person; they [...]

              To the Editor: Having a real say about Granite Bridge

              This letter to the editor by Monica Christofili of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) appeared on Fosters.com, September 20th, 2018. To the Editor: On Thursday, Sept. 27, from 6-8 p.m. at Epping’s public library, the people of New Hampshire can learn how to have a real say about Granite Bridge. Why would they [...]

                Letter to the Editor: LEBOR of Love

                This letter to the editor by Bryan Twitchell appeared in the Toledo City Paper, September 12, 2018. I’ve been working on the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) for about two years. I’ve gathered petitions regardless of temperature or weather conditions, in every social situation from massive parades to my local church. Over the course of these [...]

                  Letter: Don’t Experiment with Lake Erie

                  This letter to the editor by Tish O'Dell appeared in Crain's Cleveland Business, September 9th, 2018. I am writing in response to Ted Auch's Aug. 26 op-ed, "Personal view: Icy feelings about offshore wind project are misguided." I am a lifelong Clevelander, have a deep affection for Lake Erie and, in full disclosure, I am a [...]

                    To the Editor: Where the candidates stand

                    This letter to the editor by Monica Christofili of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) appeared on Fosters.com, September 7th, 2018. To the Editor: In early August, the NH Community Rights Network sent surveys to 2018′s state primary candidates running for governor, Executive Council, and for state representative or senator. The survey asked them [...]

                    By |2018-09-08T07:45:21-07:00September 7th, 2018|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

                      Cliff Smedley: Vote for Community Rights, vote for Theresa Stets

                      This letter to the editor appeared in the Times-Call on August 31, 2018. Democrats continue to tolerate a state government with two conflicting legal mandates — protecting our health and environment while promoting the toxic process of fracking. Our Democratic governor as well as the Boulder County Commissioners have always had the option of filing [...]

                      By |2018-09-06T15:23:20-07:00August 31st, 2018|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|
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