Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    “Right to a Healthy Climate” Ordinance

    This letter to the editor by Joan Pratt appeared on Seacoastonline.com, January 31st, 2019. To the Editor: It is clear that people in Exeter are committed to protecting our natural environment. However, under our current system of government, there is no way for residents to oppose corporate projects that could be harmful to the health, [...]

    By |2019-02-03T19:17:47-08:00January 31st, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

      Cleveland.com: The Ohio Supreme Court has rightly affirmed that Toledoans get to vote on a proposed Lake Erie Bill of Rights

      This opinion piece by Thomas Suddes of Cleveland.com was published, January 26th, 2019. Wherever they are, Theodore Roosevelt and his allies at Ohio’s 1912 constitutional convention must have smiled Wednesday. That’s when the state Supreme Court refused to yank from Toledo’s ballot a voter-initiated city charter amendment creating a Lake Erie Bill of Rights. It’ll be on [...]

        Letter to the Editor: Support Community Rights

        This letter by Diane St. Germain, NHCRN Board Member, appeared in The Eagle Times, January 21, 2019. To the editor, In 2006 Barnstead Selectman Jack O’Neil proclaimed support for a rights-based ordinance protecting Barnstead’s water resources stating, “…we pledge to walk point for you…”. It’s doubtful that at the time he imagined New Hampshire residents [...]

          Opinion: The Shutdown Shows the Weakness of the Resistance

          The grass-roots progressive activism of the past two years has been inspiring. But it’s still a shadow of what the country needs. This opinion column by David Leonhardt appeared in the New York Times on January 20th, 2019. The grass-roots progressive movement known as the resistance has had a very good two years. It beat back attempts [...]

            Toledo Blade: Recognizing the Rights of Nature

            This letter by Michelle Maloney, co-founder and national convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance, appeared in The Toledo Blade, January 12th, 2019. Around the world, people are working hard to protect their local communities and local ecosystems from the destructive impacts of excessive industrial developments. One strategy that’s receiving growing attention, is how to [...]

            By |2019-01-12T20:43:23-08:00January 12th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

              NH constitutional amendment for local self-governance backed by nonprofit

              This letter to the editor by Jennifer Dube, legislative coordinator of New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN), was posted on Fosters.com, January 2nd, 2019. To the Editor: State constitutional amendment guaranteeing local self-governance supported by grassroots community rights non-profit group Representative Ellen Read has reintroduced the NH Community Rights Amendment, a state constitutional amendment that [...]

              By |2019-01-12T21:00:49-08:00January 2nd, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

                Concord Monitor: Sununu must choose between the people and Eversource

                This op-ed by Dolly McPhaul appeared in the Concord Monitor on December 15th, 2018. -- It is time for Gov. Chris Sununu to place his allegiance with the people of New Hampshire, where it belongs. Sununu was elected, and is paid, by the people of New Hampshire for representing them. However, he has received Eversource money as [...]

                  Toledo Blade Editorial: Where are Lake Erie’s heroes?

                  This editorial by the editorial board of The Toledo Blade appeared in said paper, December 4th, 2018. -- Toledoans for Safe Water gathered petition signatures and have fought a legal battle to get the issue before voters after years of frustration over inaction by state and federal environmental regulators. They’ve tried to get the U.S. [...]

                    Letter: Why No Erie Vote?

                    This letter to the editor by Hilary Tore appeared in the Toledo Blade, November 28th, 2018. In August, the Lucas County Board of Elections unjustly voted to keep the Lake Erie Bill of Rights off the November ballot. However, through subsequent Ohio Supreme Court rulings it was learned that Toledo City Council has the power to enact [...]

                    By |2018-11-30T13:47:24-08:00November 28th, 2018|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

                      Guest Editorial: What’s the point of local government when we can’t decide?

                      This editorial by Michelle Sanborn appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun, November 15, 2018. She is the current serving president of the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN). To The Daily Sun, Did you know that our individual right to collectively come together and cast a vote on matters that actually mean something to our [...]

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