Editorials & Letters to the Editor

    The Laconia Daily Sun: Corporate greed & true self-government are at odds here

    This letter to the editor by Diane St. Germain was published in The Laconia Daily Sun on May 17, 2019. To The Daily Sun, In March of this year 74 of our N.H. state representatives voted in favor of allowing the people of New Hampshire to vote on the N..H. Community Rights state constitutional amendment, [...]

    By |2019-05-28T07:40:02-07:00May 17th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

      OPINION: A Human ‘Right to Survive’ is Born in Denver

      This Op-Ed by Emelyn Lybarger appeared on PagosaDailyPost.com on May 10th, 2019. As the State of Colorado and City of Denver continue to ignore the core causes of a housing crisis that has pushed thousands onto the streets, Denver residents took the historic step of proposing a legally enforceable human “Right to Survive.” The proposed [...]

        Op-Ed: As a Prosecutor, I Believe Denver Should Stop Criminalizing Homelessness

        This Op-Ed by Attorney and U.S Army Veteran Jake Lilly appeared in Westword.com on May 5th, 2019. On Tuesday, voters in Denver will decide whether or not to continue arresting homeless people for simply occupying public space. As a prosecutor, I believe we can improve public safety by passing Initiative 300and stopping these arrests. I have [...]

        By |2019-05-09T07:38:31-07:00May 5th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

          Editorial: Both parties bow to corporate wishes in Live Free Or Die state

          This editorial by Michelle Sanborn appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun, April 2nd, 2018. New Hampshire is often assumed to be the beacon of local representation. And why not? New Hampshire is the Live Free or Die state. The first colonial state to separate from British rule with its own constitution,  six months prior to [...]

          By |2019-04-14T11:43:40-07:00April 2nd, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

            Letter to the Editor: State reps block local rights effort

            This letter to the editor by Jennifer Dube appeared on Fosters.com on March 25th, 2019. To the Editor: Last week, CACR8, the NH Community Rights Amendment, was blocked by the New Hampshire House of Representatives from advancing to a people’s vote. New Hampshire citizens were denied advancement of the recognized right to protect human and [...]

            By |2019-03-27T08:26:31-07:00March 25th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

              Merrily Mazza: Officials remain protective of oil and gas industry

              This powerful letter to the editor by Lafayette, CO City Councilwoman Merrily Mazza appeared in the Daily Camera on March 15th, 2019. Once again, Democrats have the opportunity to create legislation aligned with public health, climate science and the democratic rights of local communities. Yet on the heels of bleak climate reports demanding an immediate [...]

              By |2019-03-27T09:47:09-07:00March 15th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor|

                Editorial: Put a rush on LEBOR

                This editorial by the editorial board of The Toledo Blade was published, March 1st, 2019. Well, that was fast. Within hours of Toledo voters approving a ballot measure to establish a Lake Erie Bill of Rights, opponents filed a federal lawsuit to block it. The challenge was expected. After all, much is at stake with a change to [...]

                By |2019-03-13T12:08:20-07:00March 1st, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

                  To the editor: Don’t let corporate profits rule Lake Erie health

                  This letter to the editor by Stefania Czech appeared in The Toledo Blade, February 17th, 2019. In response to the letter “Toledo City Council had no choice on ballot issue,” Feb. 8, Democracy is not a public opinion poll. Democracy is voting for the changes you wish to see in the world. Matt Cherry, president [...]

                  By |2019-02-22T09:33:29-08:00February 17th, 2019|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

                    Letter to the Editor: N.H. Constitution needs to protect community self determination

                    This letter to the editor by Douglas Darrell appeared in the Laconia Daily Sun, February 10th, 2019. To the Daily Sun, I endeavor to appeal to the civic mindedness of our democracy with a republican form of government to follow the plea in attention of 2019 legislative session CACR-8. This bill is not an innovation [...]

                      YES! Magazine: Capitalism vs. Socialism Is a False Choice

                      We need true democracy if we’re to halt the slide into self-extinction. This article by David Korten appeared in YES! Magazine, February 7th, 2019. This is part two of a two-part series. See part one here. Economic power is—and always has been—the foundation of political power. Those who control the peoples’ means of living rule. In [...]

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