Editorials & Letters to the Editor

Sustainability should not be legally impossible

This Letter to the editor by Nora Gayer originally appeared in Boulder County Weekly October, 26 2017. I write today on behalf of the Boulder Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). This is our statement of solidarity with frontline communities worldwide, and in particular with East Boulder County United, the Boulder County Protectors, and the Erie Protectors. [...]

Patricia Randolph’s Madravenspeak: Plaintiff Coyote: Group helps communities put rights of nature into law

This editorial by Patricia Randolph originally appeared in The Cap Times, October 22, 2017. The only thing that environmental laws regulate are environmentalists.” ~ Thomas Linzey, 2014 Earth at Risk conference Thomas Linzey co-founded the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in the early 1990s to help communities seeking environmental justice as they fought against factory hog [...]

By |2017-10-24T11:54:17-07:00October 22nd, 2017|Editorials & Letters to the Editor, Rights of Nature|

Letter to the Editor submitted to the Bradford Era local newspaper in Pennsylvania on October 7, 2017.

The following Letter to the Editor was in direct response to the Bradford, Pennsylvania newspaper's local news story titled "Highland Township’s Home Rule Charter Stripped by Court". Highland Township’s home rule charter that bans corporations from contaminating the public water supply may very well be “controversial” (according to this newspaper), but what is clearly much [...]

Take Back Local Government

This letter to the editor by Lisa Flynn originally appeared in The Daily Camera, September 28, 2017. Fracking was banned by the people, by vote, in Longmont. The ban was preempted by the state. Fracking was under moratorium until last May in Boulder County. The moratorium was lifted under threat of lawsuit by the Colorado attorney general. [...]

Why Does the Colorado River Need to Sue For Rights?

This original article by Will Falk appeared in the San Diego Free Press, September 25, 2017. On Tuesday, September 26, the Colorado River will sue the State of Colorado in a first-in-the-nation lawsuit requesting that the United States District Court in Denver recognize the river’s rights of nature. These rights include the rights to exist, [...]

Corporate State says DEMOCRACY is too EXPENSIVE

This article by Tish O'Dell originally appeared in the Columbus Free Press, August 18, 2017. In several “news” articles posted over the past few weeks, oil and gas industry and their allies argue that a local Community Bill of Rights ballot initiative submitted by Youngstown voters is “too expensive” for the community. MORE...

Let the people of Athens County have a vote on county charter

This letter to the editor by Patrick McGee originally appeared in The Athens News, August 5, 2017. On July 17, I argued to Athens Common Pleas Judge George McCarthy that the decision of the Athens County Board of Elections that prevented the proposed Athens County Charter from being placed on the ballot should be reversed. [...]

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