Blogs from Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

    CELDF Blog: Dangerous to the 1% – An Informed Public

    A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), from May 16, 2018. According to recent polls, only 20% of Americans know how many U.S. Senators there are, and only one in seven young Americans could identify either Iraq or Afghanistan on a world map. A majority of Americans were unable to name more than one [...]

      CELDF Blog: The Gun Establishment’s Weapon of Choice

      A Blog Posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from April 14, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: Allowing a few hands at the top to determine what our communities are going to look like for our children and grandchildren hasn't worked well up to this point. [...]

        Blog: The NRA, Gun Violence, and Ceiling Preemption

        A Blog Posting by Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin and Tish O'Dell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from March 14th, 2018. When does the right to own a gun carry more cultural and legal weight than the right of a community to collectively decide what safety means and how to create protected, healthy, and resilient communities? That is a [...]

          Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

          A Blog Posting by Tish O'Dell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from February 25, 2017. It’s Black History Month. And I’m a white woman community organizer working in mostly white communities for a white organization that recognizes we live in an unjust, racist, misogynist, eco-suicidal western world. I have a lot to learn about my white [...]

            One Final New Year’s Resolution for 2018

            A blog posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 29, 2018. Here’s a New Year’s resolution before January comes to a close – let’s stop lying to each other. Let’s stop lying about the state of the planet and what it will really take to fix it. Let’s stop lying [...]

              When we fight, we win

              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 21, 2018. The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in 1995 In the 1990’s, CELDF was a conventional environmental law firm. We believed that if only there were more [...]

                Having a Dream is Just the Beginning

                A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 15, 2018. Being punished for advocating and promoting fundamental rights is as American as pizza, tacos, and apple pie. On this day of remembrance for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is fitting that we commemorate the way the system he struggled to change – [...]

                  Seceding from Ourselves

                  A Blog Posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 5th, 2018. As I spend time with family in the Boston area, I’m no more than a mile away from what was once known as “Harmony Grove,” where the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society celebrated the Fourth of July with picnics and rallies for over [...]

                    Downsizing Nature: The Fight for Bears Ears and Beyond

                    A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from December 7, 2017. This week, President Trump signed proclamations downsizing two natural areas established as national monuments in Utah – Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante – by 85 percent and 46 percent respectively. If court challenges are unsuccessful, over a million acres of protected land will [...]

                      A New Hampshire Resident & Legislator Exchange Words on Community Rights

                      A Blog Posting by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), from November 20, 2017. Recently, New Hampshire Representative Ellen Read sponsored CACR19, a state constitutional amendment that guarantees local communities the right to make the decisions affecting the places where they live – including recognizing Community Rights over corporate claimed “rights.” The New Hampshire Community Rights [...]

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