
    Interview: Derrick Jensen of Resistance Radio talks with Paul Cienfuegos

    Paul discusses his new book and how Community Rights is what the world needs right now with Derrick Jensen Airing Sunday, November 21 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern, on the Progressive Radio Network, online at Later, find it in the Resistance Radio Archives.

    By |2021-11-17T23:03:41-08:00November 19th, 2021|Audio|

      We’ve had Corporate Personhood for a Decade…What About Ecosystem Personhood?

      Oil and gas companies are getting nervous about an increased push worldwide for laws governing the rights of nature. Published in Drilled News by Amy Westervelt on Apr 10, 2021. In our last narrative season, La Lucha En La Jungla, about the decades-long fight over oil pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon, I mentioned something unique [...]

      By |2021-04-14T22:37:31-07:00April 15th, 2021|Audio|

        Podcast: Out d’Coup LIVE

        Chad Nicholson, Community Organizer with Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF). The following is from the show notes of this episode of Out d'Coup Live. On tonight’s show, I welcome Chad Nicholson, Community Organizer with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF). Chad has been engaged in community rights work since 2009, initially working with [...]

        By |2021-04-14T09:43:40-07:00April 14th, 2021|Audio|

          Resistance Radio – Guest: Will Falk on Thacker Pass in Nevada

          Aired April 4, 2021 at 12:49 PM. Will Falk is a biophilic writer and lawyer. The natural world speaks and Will’s work is how he listens. He believes the intensifying destruction of the natural world is the most pressing issue confronting us today. His first book is "How Dams Fall: Stories the Colorado River Told [...]

          By |2021-04-07T09:44:31-07:00April 7th, 2021|Audio, Rights of Nature|

            WORT 89.9FM Madison – Putting Nature at the Center of Decision Making

            Inside the Rights of Nature with Joshua Pribanic. WORT 89.9FM Madison  on Feb 23, 2021. Putting Nature at the Center of Decision Making - Inside the Rights of Nature with Joshua Pribanic.Pribanic is one of the directors of the recent film "Invisible Hand: The rights of nature movement." Listen HERE.

            By |2021-03-11T13:46:14-08:00March 11th, 2021|Audio|

              Coast Range Radio Interviews Kai Huschke

              Coast Range Radio interviews Kai Huschke of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund and Oregon Community Rights Network. We discuss the community rights movement and Kai provides exciting examples of Oregon communities leading efforts to protect their local environment and community health by confronting corporate power. To learn more visit,

              By |2020-12-08T10:45:43-08:00December 9th, 2020|Audio|

                Podcast – Rights of nature, corporate pollution, and taking back local power

                Evan Folds speaks with the "Port City Daily" in Wilmington North Carolina about new ways to think about local environmental problems. Folds is the supervisor of the New Hanover Soil and Water District.  

                By |2020-08-03T09:14:56-07:00August 3rd, 2020|Audio, Rights of Nature, Uncategorized|

                  Florida Rights of Nature group featured on “Pod of Gold”

                  Podcast Pod of Gold: People have a right to clean water. Rivers should too. Ep. 22, "Rivers with Rights" | Joseph Bonasia and Gary Robbins Rights of Nature Florida is getting more attention with this podcast featuring Lee County Rights of Nature Board of Directors Joseph Bonasia and Gary Robbins. Learn how you can be [...]

                  By |2020-07-28T23:48:24-07:00July 29th, 2020|Audio, Rights of Nature|

                    A little satire from The Onion

                    Struggling United States Purchased by Private Equity Firm Published by the Onion's satirical public radio program "The Topical" The U.S. may have some big changes coming its way after being acquired by Prospect Capital Partners. Hear what this could mean for the newly renamed United50’s future, assuming it has one. Click here to listen.

                    By |2020-05-06T23:02:16-07:00May 7th, 2020|Audio|

                      KBOO FM: Pandemic opens up conversation about the Rights of Nature and protecting the environment

                      This 16 minute interview with Kai Huschke, Pacific Northwest organizer with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), was published on KBOO FM's website on April 9th, 2020. “[There is an opportunity] for communities, whether it’s small ones, or even larger cities, to really take the reins and say ‘no, we clearly need more power [...]

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