American Revolution & Our Two Federal Constitutions

    New Pennsylvania law prohibits doctors from discussing health consequences of fracking

    This article by Walt Brasch appeared in Dissident Voice, March 18th, 2018. A brief commentary by Community Rights US organizer and educator Paul Cienfuegos: This article doesn’t say so explicitly, but fracking corporations are allowed to keep these outrageous secrets from doctors and their patients because the Supreme Court has granted them so-called Privacy “Rights" [...]

    Statement on Efforts to Amend the U.S. Constitution following Citizens United.

    This document was published online in January 2012 by Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. A great deal of activism has emerged in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC. In that case, the Court declared that corporate First Amendment “free speech” rights were violated by federal law which [...]

    Richard Grossman 1943-2011: A Long Fight Against Minority-Rule Governance

    Russell Mokhiber wrote these reflective words upon hearing of the death of Richard Grossman in November 2011. Russell is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime Reporter. Last month, Richard Grossman sent me an e-mail. He wanted to let me know of legislation he helped draft that would criminalize the corporate form. It was classic Richard Grossman. [...]

    An Act To Criminalize Chartered, Incorporated Business Entities

    This is an unfinished draft of a document Richard Grossman was working on when he died in November of 2011 at the age of 68. Pay special attention to the Notes section in the latter half. As of 12:01 a.m. on July 4, 2012, no incorporated business shall exist or operate within the United States [...]

    The Corporate State Ascends: Municipal Corporations Become Its Colonies.

    An original essay written by Ben Price, of Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. (Date unknown.) The sleight of hand that slipped the rights of property into a superior relationship to the sovereignty of the people where they live was almost imperceptible. While the local charter could supply the privileges of the rights of property, the [...]

    Uncolonizing Our Minds – On the Supreme Court

    This article by Richard Grossman was originally published in CounterPunch on April 16, 2010. So the Supreme Court has been igniting passions, has it? Of its Citizens United decision, people cried: “shameless hypocrisy,” “nothing short of fraud . . . ,” “Truly frightening . . . ,” “a narrow elite is imposing itself through the [...]

    The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth

    The folks at RatHaus have created this extraordinary selection of source materials about the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy, and the foundational role that they played in the creation of the United States of America. Here's just the opening paragraph and Table of Contents of this amazing resource! ... The people of the Six Nations, [...]

    Look to Congress for Supreme Court Fix

    This article by Jane Anne Morris ( was originally published in the Spring 2010 edition of Justice Rising (Alliance for Democracy). How is it unconstitutional for a state to require place-of-origin labels on meat? Regulate sale of its water? Establish worker protections stricter than federal standards? Where does the US Constitution say that states cannot require that [...]

    “Free Trade’s” Footprint a Decade after Seattle

    This article by Jane Anne Morris ( was originally published in the Spring 2010 edition of Synthesis/Regeneration. On this Tenth Anniversary of the “Battle for Seattle,” we could celebrate, we should commemorate, but we must evaluate. Right, then. What seemed so important at the time? It is difficult to even see back to 1999 without becoming [...]

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