American Revolution & Our Two Federal Constitutions

    Blog: Black History Month, White Supremacy, and Community Rights

    A Blog Posting by Tish O'Dell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from February 25, 2017. It’s Black History Month. And I’m a white woman community organizer working in mostly white communities for a white organization that recognizes we live in an unjust, racist, misogynist, eco-suicidal western world. I have a lot to learn about my white [...]

      Press Release: New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment Backed by Legislative Subcommittee

      Strong citizen support helps advance CACR19 to House M&CG committee A Press Release from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from February 19th, 2018. CONCORD, NH: Last week, the New Hampshire Community Rights Amendment, CACR19, left House Municipal & County Government (M&CG) subcommittee with a 3-2 bi-partisan “ought-to-pass” recommendation. Community members from across the state attended [...]

        The Community Rights Movement to the New Hampshire House: Let the People Decide What’s Best

        This article by John Collins appeared in In These Times, February 8th, 2018. When you combine an economic system that requires constant growth in order to function, with a legal system that mistakes corporations for “people”—you inevitably wind up with a few extremely powerful corporations and a lot of powerless citizens. Furthermore, when that same [...]

          Video: Kucinich for Ohio – Community Rights/Home Rule

          Dennis Kucinich, in his campaign for the Ohio Governorship, stopped by Columbus, Ohio on February 5, 2018, and shared his support for the Ohio Community Rights Network's state constitutional amendment campaign. This 5" video discussion can be viewed HERE.

            Plymouth residents take aim at Northern Pass with new ordinance

            This article by Bea Lewis appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader, January 31st, 2018. PLYMOUTH — Residents have adopted an ordinance they believe will give them the authority to ban Northern Pass from building within town borders. During a special town meeting on Thursday, residents voted by secret ballot 132 to 19 to adopt [...]

              A Phoenix From The Ashes

              CELDF’s Executive Director Thomas Linzey, Esq. and attorney Daniel E. Brannen, Jr, Esq. co-author, published  A Phoenix from the Ashes: Resurrecting a Constitutional Right of Local Community Self-Government in the Name of Environmental Sustainability in the Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, January 2018. This article began as a series of legal briefs filed in [...]

                KBOO: Ray Raphael debunks historical myths of our founding era, recognizes the common people

                This audio interview took place on January 24th, 2018 on KBOO public radio in Portland, Oregon. This 62 minute audio can be downloaded and listened to HERE. Historian Ray Raphael discusses his research and its implications with Community Rights activist Paul Cienfuegos Drawing on oral histories and in-depth research, historian Ray Raphael of Humboldt County, CA, has written over 20 [...]

                  City Council commits to codifying citizen-OKed laws, including anti-fracking, pot de-penalization

                  This article by Kayla Beard appeared in The Athens News, January 10, 2018. Athens City Council members agreed Monday evening to codify into city law two successful citizen initiatives, one for de-penalization of marijuana in the city and the other banning fracking and other oil and gas related activities in city limits. Council spent the [...]

                    Seceding from Ourselves

                    A Blog Posting by Thomas Linzey of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from January 5th, 2018. As I spend time with family in the Boston area, I’m no more than a mile away from what was once known as “Harmony Grove,” where the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society celebrated the Fourth of July with picnics and rallies for over [...]

                      Fosters.Com: We The People Shall Rule

                      This letter to the editor by Peter A. White appeared on, December 21, 2017. People have always risen up to right the wrongs inflicted by the ruling elite. That time has come again, and the people of New Hampshire are using Community Rights to end harmful exploitation of our communities. MORE....

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