American Revolution & Our Two Federal Constitutions

The Decorah Newspaper: Can we stop large corporations from interfering in our local elections? Yes we can!

This Guest OpEd by Paul Cienfuegos appeared in The Decorah Newspaper, June 15th, 2018. Brief note by Community Rights US media team member Curt Hubatch: The title that Paul proposed to the editors at The Decorah Newspaper was, "Can we stop large corporations from interfering in our local elections? Yes we can!” They did not include [...]

    Talk Nation Radio: Thomas Linzey on the Rights of Ecosystems vs. the Rights of Corporations

    This 30 minute audio interview with Thomas Linzey was posted on David Swanson's "Lets Try Democracy" website, June 12th, 2018. Thomas Linzey is an attorney and the Executive Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) – a nonprofit law firm that has provided free legal services to over five hundred local governments and [...]

      Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (AJELP): A Phoenix from the Ashes

      "A Phoenix from the Ashes," an article about resurrecting a constitutional Right of Local, Community Self-Government in the name of environmental sustainability, was published in the Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (AJELP) back in January of 2018. More details and links below. CELDF’s Executive Director Thomas Linzey, Esq. and attorney Daniel E. Brannen, [...]

        In Corporate America, too many bosses tell employees what to vote for

        A new book points out how companies mobilise their employees to support politicians beneficial to the corporation This article by Ganesh Sitaraman appeared in The Guardian, May 7th, 2018. Brief commentary by Community Rights US (CRUS) director Paul Cienfuegos: What happens when business corporations' Supreme Court granted First Amendment free speech rights become much more [...]

          Targeting Austin’s sick-leave ordinance is part of a bigger war

          This article by John Austin appeared in the Cleburne Times-Review, April 5th, 2018. A brief commentary by Curt Hubatch, Community Rights US media team member: Let's not forget one of the primary reasons why the American Independence movement declared their independence from the King of England: The King, it says in the Declaration of Independence, failed to [...]

            Jefferson Public Radio: Oregonian Wins Award For Opposition To Pesticides

            This audio interview with award-winning activist Carol Van Strum and Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) organizer Kai Huschke can be listened to on Jefferson Public Radio's website. Listen to the 22 minute interview HERE. A guest commentary by Community Rights US's Curt Hubatch: Carol Van Strum's extraordiary and award-winning actions as a public citizen started, [...]

              Blog: The NRA, Gun Violence, and Ceiling Preemption

              A Blog Posting by Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin and Tish O'Dell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, from March 14th, 2018. When does the right to own a gun carry more cultural and legal weight than the right of a community to collectively decide what safety means and how to create protected, healthy, and resilient communities? That is a [...]

                The Constitution Gives Gun Owners Greater Rights Than Women

                For decades, women have been fighting for an equal rights amendment. Gun owners, mostly men, have had the Second Amendment for centuries. This article by Emily Peck appeared in the Huffington Post, March 7th, 2018. Here’s a disturbing fact to consider in 2018, the year women supposedly began to topple the patriarchy: Gun owners in [...]

                  ‘Corporations Are People’ Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie

                  How a farcical series of events in the 1880s produced an enduring and controversial legal precedent This article by Adam Winkler appeared in The Atlantic magazine, March 5th, 2018. Somewhat unintuitively, American corporations today enjoy many of the same rights as American citizens. Both, for instance, are entitled to the freedom of speech and the [...]

                    In Maine, a push in Legislature could lead to a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution

                    This article by Colin Woodard appeared in the Sun Journal, March 1st, 2018. A pair of resolutions under consideration by the Legislature that lift much of their wording from model bills written by a secretive, corporation-funded group could help lead to a radical rewriting of the U.S. Constitution. The resolutions seek to add Maine to [...]

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