American Revolution & Our Two Federal Constitutions

    “Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing the Entire Planet, and Where Our Energies Can Best be Focused” – A Speech by Paul Cienfuegos

    Here is a new speech by Community Rights US' founding director, Paul Cienfuegos, presented to the Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon on September 19, 2020. You can read it below, or listen to it HERE.   Thoughts About Breathing and Not Breathing During This Time of Escalating Emergencies Facing [...]

      OpEd: “A National Emergency Requires a Bold Local Response”

      Z Magazine published this OpEd on August 20, 2020. Read it on ZNet. Community Rights US submitted the following OpEd to The Oregonian - Portland, Oregon's daily corporate newspaper - on August 16, 2020. Titled "A National Emergency Requires a Bold Local Response". Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, their Opinion Editor rejected our submission with this [...]

        A Phoenix from the Ashes

        Resurrecting a Constitutional Right of Local, Community Self-Government in the Name of Environmental Sustainability By By Thomas Linzey & Daniel E. Brannen Jr. Published by Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy This article began as a series of legal briefs filed in various federal courts in defense of several municipal communities who had asserted [...]

          New Publication: Do It Yourself Community Rights

          The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) recently published a do it yourself guide on how to advance Community Rights laws in your state. You can learn all about it and download it HERE! Description of the publication below. Are you interested in advancing Community Rights laws in your state? Community Rights includes Rights of [...]

            Dusting off the Declaration of Independence.

            Reflections on Community Rights from Rural America is a monthly column by CR activist and organizer Curt Hubatch. Curt is an unschooling father of two young children and one young adult. Currently he works as a substitute rural letter carrier for the USPS. He lives in a cordwood house that he built with his wife, [...]

              Blog: The Federalists Betrayed the Revolution We Celebrate on July 4th

              Revolution and Counterrevolution: The People vs. the Federalists A blog post by Ben Price of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund published on July 3rd, 2019. Fourth of July celebrations commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, not the U.S. Constitution of 1789. We should be thankful for that. The wealthy Federalists who overturned [...]

                Jim Hightower: How to Arm Nature Against Corporate Profiteers

                Corporate powers—who have perverted law, logic and nature to have their lifeless profiteering entities declared "persons"—are aghast that Mother Nature not only has rights but those rights can be legally and morally superior to the claim that a corporation's right to profit is absolute This article by Jim Hightower was published in Common Dreams on [...]

                  Audio: Derrick Jensen Interviews Ben Price on Resistance Radio

                  Derrick Jensen interviews Ben Price, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund's (CELDF) national organizing director, about his newly published book, "How Wealth Rules the World: Saving our Communities and Freedoms from the Dictatorship of Property." on June 2nd, 2019. This 53 minute interview can be listened to and downloaded HERE and HERE. A bit about [...]

                    Thom Hartmann Interviews Ben Price About His New Book, “How Wealth Rules the World”

                    This interview took place on May 7th, 2019. This 12 minute video and audio can be viewed and downloaded HERE. A brief description of How Wealth Rules the World: Ben Price reveals that our Constitution and legal system were intentionally designed to give more rights to the wealthy propertied class than the rest of us. [...]

                      Resistance Radio: Derrick Jensen interviews Thomas Linzey

                      Derrick Jensen interviews Thomas Linzey for the seventh time on Resistance Radio. This interview happened on April 21st, 2019. In this interview they talk about the Lake Erie Bill of Rights that was recently passed in Toledo, Ohio; the Rights of Nature, and other topics concerning Community Rights. This 51 minute interview can be listened [...]

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