Archive of News & Analysis From & About the Community Rights Movement

    Meet Cliff Willmeng, Who Could Be First Socialist Elected in Boulder County

    This article by Michael Roberts appeared in Westword, August 15th, 2018. Brief Commentary by Community Rights US (CRUS) Media Team member Curt Hubatch: Cliff Willmeng, and his mom Merrily Mazza  have been active in the Community Rights movement for over 5 years now. She currently holds a seat on the Lafayette, Colorado City Council, and Cliff [...]

      OpEd News: The Pushback Against Ending Corporate Rule

      This Op-Ed by Greg Coleridge appeared on Op-Ed, June 4th, 2018. Rising anger against the seemingly omnipotent power of corporations to dictate nearly every aspect of society has yielded predictable pushback from corporations and their minions (i.e. human, not small yellow creatures) in government. Laws against mass protests and stronger regulatory protections and increasing [...]

        Breaking News from Paul Cienfuegos @ Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Action in Nevada

        May 11, 2023 Newsletter Protecting the Rights of People & Nature From the Local Up Subscribe | CRUS Homepage | Donate Paul Cienfuegos & Six Others are now Defendants in a Lawsuit by Lithium Nevada Corporation Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone tribal elders Josephine Sam Dick, 76, and her sister, Elvida Sam Crutcher, 73, sit inside [...]

        By |2023-06-26T16:51:35-07:00June 26th, 2023|Community Rights US Newsletters|

          The State That May Let Corporations Vote In Elections

          Delaware Democrats could pass GOP legislation letting businesses cast ballots in a municipal election Published by The Lever June 20, 2023 by Matthew Cunningham-Cook Democratic President Biden has called his home “the corporate state of Delaware,” and Republican Sen. Mitt Romney has insisted that “corporations are people, my friend.” Embodying that bipartisan spirit in post-Citizens [...]

          By |2023-06-23T15:27:04-07:00June 23rd, 2023|News Stories: State & Regional|

            Paul Cienfuegos Threatened With Arrest @ Thacker Pass Lithium Mega-Mine Site in Nevada

            Protecting the Rights of People & Nature From the Local Up Subscribe | CRUS Homepage | Donate Urgent News Alert from Paul re Nevada Lithium Mine Indigenous Women-Led Camp — We Need YOU…. This urgent alert contains a status update on the lithium mine camp, numerous links for background info, and a variety of volunteer [...]

            By |2023-05-15T11:47:45-07:00May 15th, 2023|Community Rights US Newsletters|

              Clarence Thomas Pushed To Kill Disclosure Laws While Getting Secret Billionaire Gifts

              This court should invalidate mandatory disclosure and reporting requirements,” wrote Clarence Thomas, who did not disclose years of gifts from a billionaire. Published Apr 12, 2023 by David Sirota and Julia Rock in  The Lever While refusing to disclose lavish gifts from a billionaire, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas pushed to invalidate all political spending [...]

              By |2023-06-27T12:21:29-07:00April 13th, 2023|News Stories: National & International|

                Midwest book tour going splendidly–two more stops yet

                Attendees eager to learn more about successes in the Community Rights movement Midwest audiences have warmly welcomed Paul Cienfuegos as he has shared insights on his book tour. If you're in Wisconsin or thereabouts, he'll be speaking at least two more times: 3/1, 5:30pm, Spooner  WI, Northwind Book & Fiber 3/2, 7pm, Bayfield WI, Honest [...]

                  Publishers Weekly book review of How Dare We?

                  We're pretty happy with this recent review...the only part we're not quite sure about is why they say "Chapters examine how to campaign for change, a multifaceted and highly practical approach to how Democrats could handle the issue of logging...," because one of the most exciting things about this book is that these ideas are [...]

                  By |2023-01-08T14:12:38-08:00January 8th, 2023|How Dare We?|

                    Author talk and Q&A in Olympia at Orca Books Nov 4

                    This Friday, November 4th at 6pm, Paul will be in Olympia to do a book reading, this time at Orca Books downtown. The book, How Dare We? Courageous Practices to Reclaim Our Power as Citizens, is a series of a few dozen essays and speeches on how We the People can actually dismantle corporate rule, [...]

                    By |2022-11-02T21:49:42-07:00November 2nd, 2022|Event Announcements|

                      Does Federal Law Prohibit Counties from Imposing Setbacks on CO2 Pipelines?

                      State or federal preemption that blocks people's ability to provide more protection for their water is wrong and unjust and should be challenged. by Paul Blackburn, Attorney, Bold Alliance on May 3, 2022 on Pipeline Fighters Hub. As landowners and counties are being inundated with carbon pipeline companies wanting to take land by eminent domain, [...]

                        Undoing Trump, EPA to empower states and tribes to oppose pipelines

                        Under the Biden administration’s proposed rule, energy infrastructure will get more scrutiny from local regulators This is moving in the right direction, especially for tribes, but there is still the issue of state preemption that typically blocks local action to protect water. That still needs to be challenged. By Dino Grandoni in The Washington Post [...]

                        By |2022-06-10T17:01:47-07:00June 8th, 2022|News Stories: National & International|
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