City of Pittsburgh Community Protection from Toxic Trespass due to Natural Gas Extraction Ordinance

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City of Pittsburgh Community Protection from Toxic Trespass due to Natural Gas Extraction Ordinance

Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA

Legislation Status: Passed

Topics: Community Self-Government, Fossil Fuels, Rights of Nature, Toxic Materials, Water


This ordinance establishes the right of Pittsburgh residents, natural communities and ecosystems to be free from toxic trespass resulting from unconventional gas extraction techniques and the disposal of associated waste. It was passed by the Pittsburgh City Council, 9 to 0.

It makes it illegal to deposit toxic substances or potentially toxic substances within the body of any resident of Pittsburgh, or into any natural community or ecosystem…as the result of activities prohibited by…Ordinances of the City, or through negligent actions which result in a violation of any provision of this ordinance…[such actions are] declared a form of trespass, and [are] hereby prohibited.

The ordinance further legislates that “Corporations and persons using corporations to engage in natural gas extraction or to support the activity of natural gas extraction, in a neighboring municipality, county or state shall be strictly liable for the violation of rights recognized by this ordinance, and for all harms consequently caused to natural water sources, ecosystems, human and natural communities within the City of Pittsburgh and its jurisdiction. Government agencies and municipalities that issue permits or allow unconventional extraction of natural gas within their municipality shall be held liable for the violation of the rights of Pittsburgh residents, ecosystems, and natural communities if a toxic trespass results.”

Date of Legislation: 12/19/2011

Decided By: Council Vote

Press Release 1:

Community Rights News:

Other Info

Please contact us if you have further information on this ordinance or know that any of the information above is incorrect!

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