Protecting the Rights of
People & Nature From
the Local Up
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Dear friends,
Thank you for your previous support for our work!
It’s really challenging to raise money for what we do. Foundations prefer to fund conventional single-issue groups. They really don’t understand the urgent need to DISMANTLE corporate rule, or their (frequently) corporate board members have no interest in doing so. So we are entirely dependent on the generosity of our supporters. And our end-of-year fundraising drive is our primary push for new funds to keep us going.
So I want to URGE each and every one of you to consider making a tax-deductible donation (of any amount) to us, either one time or as a recurring monthly donation.
We are trying to raise at least $10,000 before the end of the year, and so far we’ve raised $550 in the last two weeks. Please become one of our 2021 donors.
Whether you supported Community Rights US with your presence at our first ever 27-hour live-streamed cultural event, our (nearly) weekly book clubs, by building local coalitions to assert local control, by sharing our newsletter with your friends, or with financial contributions — YOU are the heart of this community rights movement.
And because of you, Community Rights US has been able to continue sharing information and ideas on how to thwart corporate control and strengthen democracy.
Last month, I had the chance to chat with Derrick Jensen of Resistance Radio and of course, if you haven’t heard, I wrote a book—out later this month—chock full of ways community rights can push back against the absurdity that would deny communities the right to protect their own health and wellbeing.
Please give today. Your tax-deductible donation will help us to energize and empower activists with the ideas behind Community Rights.
Warmly, Paul Cienfuegos
Founding Director
Community Rights US
Essential CR News from the Web
Interview: Derrick Jensen of Resistance Radio talks with Paul Cienfuegos
Oregon Courts Put Public Health and Local Democracy in Danger-Press Release
Want to help further the work of Community Rights US?

Photo credit: “Banyan Tree Roots” by moonjazz