Supernatural Beings and Sacred Places

This second of three webinars hosted at the Peter A Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia will focus on supernatural beings and sacred places. Panelists will speak to Indigenous peoples’ efforts to enact or revitalize laws that respect and protect the ancestors and supernatural beings embodied in sacred places in their territories.


  • Award-winning Tŝilhqot’in filmmaker, writer, and photographer Trevor Mack will speak about the legend of Tsʼilʔos (Mount Tatlow) and the Tŝilhqot’in nation’s efforts to protect and revitalize their relationship with the ancestors who were transformed into mountains in the Chilcotin range of British Columbia.
  • Māori legal scholar Jacinta Ruru of the University of Otago will speak about Tikanga Māori and recent treaty settlements that recognize that natural systems like rivers, mountains and forests have mauri (spiritual life force) and tapu (sacredness) and are descendants of atua (gods).

Find out more and register HERE.