This article, titled: The Illusion of Freedom, by Chris Hedges, was published again on TruthDig 3 years ago today. The first two paragraphs, as with the rest of the article, lay out clearly and elegantly that we live in a corporate state. To think otherwise, as he says, is magical thinking. And as many have discovered somewhere along the path of learning about and supporting the Community Rights movement, democracy and sustainability are illegal in the United States. Legal doctrines, that have become established law in the United States, are wielded as weapons by big corporations and higher levels of government against outraged, citizen groups and democratic majorities exercising their inalienable right to Local, Community Self-Government in the places they live. The Community Rights strategy frontally challenges those legal doctrines. Our hope, by posting articles like this, is that you will sit down, slowly read the words offered, and clearly see just how far off the mark our current governing and legal systems are from the founding principles and vision that so many fought and died for in 1776. Then take a look around our Community Rights US website, and see where you can fit in using the gifts you’ve been given to help support and move the Community Rights movement down the path in making democracy and sustainability legal in the places we live. As the famous labor organizer Joe Hill once said, “Don’t Mourn, Organize!” — commentary by Community Rights Media Team member Curt Hubatch on December 27, 2018

The seizure of political and economic power by corporations is unassailable. Who funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass media? Our systems of entertainment? Our prisons and schools? Who determines our trade and environmental policies? Who imposes austerity on the public while enabling the looting of the U.S. Treasury and the tax boycott by Wall Street? Who criminalizes dissent?

A disenfranchised white working class vents its lust for fascism at Trump campaign rallies. Naive liberals, who think they can mount effective resistance within the embrace of the Democratic Party, rally around the presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders, who knows that the military-industrial complex is sacrosanct. Both the working class and the liberals will be sold out. Our rights and opinions do not matter. We have surrendered to our own form of wehrwirtschaft. We do not count within the political process. MORE…