Recently, Rivera Sun, author of the Dandelion Insurrection and other revolutionary books, posed this question to her readers and friends on Facebook: “What’s your best one-line advice for young activists? (Young in experience, not just age.)”

Community Rights US’s Founding Director Paul Cienfuegos stumbled across it and found the question important enough to weigh in on it with his 42 years of activist experience. He thinks it might be the “shortest most compact ‘What to do/not do’ – Advice to an Activist” that he’s ever written.

“I would urge young activists to not focus their energy on merely protesting, lobbying, petitioning, boycotting,… corporations and their elected sheep, as these are all tactics that concede, accept, assume that corporations have legitimate constitutional “rights” that trump The People’s constitutional rights; and instead focus your activism in a way that begins to dismantle the structures of law and mass culture that make corporate control of virtually every aspect of our lives and of the Earth INEVITABLE.”

All the information to get you started on the path Paul is proposing can be found here at Community Rights US. We look forward to hearing from you.