This petition appeared was started on, March 1st, 2014.
A brief commentary by Community Rights US’s Paul Cienfuegos: If We the People are ever to learn again how to exercise our inherent right of self-government, as guaranteed to us in our state and federal constitutions, and which was the primary goal of the American Revolution, we need to stop pleading with our so-called leaders and become the leaders that we’ve been waiting for. So we at Community Rights US are deeply amused by this satirical petition, and wanted to share it with our readers.
The petition states: Those in power receive thousands of petitions with millions of signatures every year, yet consistently ignore the pleading of the masses as expressed through petitions.
Whether it’s CEOs, politicians or other powerful individuals and institutions, the inaction on the demands of petitioners is atrocious, and we won’t stand for it! The abstinent refusal of those in power to listen to or act on citizens’ concerns when they ask nicely is simply unacceptable. We’re asking nicely that those individuals with exceptional power please stop ignoring our requests when we ask them nicely. This is a petition to those in power to stop ignoring our petitions! MORE…